What are you working on currently? [2016]

As apposed to turning the ship around and using the main aft engines to decelerate?

I was also intrigued by this from the Wiki page

So the ramjets transform their magnetic scoop into a magnetic parachute. Neat.

also hype :shock:

I imagine that there would be a risk of error when turning the ship around as opposed to firing engines already built in the opposing direction. I could research the influence of other factors such as overheating and debris intake, but I really only want the ship to have cool ramjets on the front.



Then put them there! Their use as hydrogen scoops is justification enough. Also the magnetic fields that have to be generated for this to work are so big that the actual location of the generators on the ship doesn’t matter much.

But the Apollo missions to the moon turned around and used the main engines to slow down without issue, so I doubt interstellar ships would have much problem with it :slight_smile:

Further updates to my BlenderCam place:
Camera rotation / origin is corrected now, no more odd rotating after panning.
Ability to quickly cycle through different profile angles (top,bottom,left,right,front,back) via number/keypad (bugged) and the numbers on top of your keyboard.

I’m actually making the “rotate around focus with mousewheel” into a plugin.
(along with some other stuff, it’s more like upgrading my camera plugin to be more useful)

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anyone have a title for a new roblox card game? trying to incorporate a roblox themed title without using some of the … already taken ones.

the only titles we have are roblox battleground tgc , roblox battle cards, and bloxgrounds tgc
anyyy ideas for titles would be great


“The Hand”

The cough master cough Hand.

GG, He was my favorite boss to fight in SSBB. <3

“ROBLOX Card Clash”
“ROBLOX Wildcards / Wild Cards”

maybe without “ROBLOX” and with a subtitle instead, up to you

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-insert lightning sounds-

Alternative use... [img]http://i.imgur.com/cJlBUVL.gif[/img]

I assume that is 1 particle emitter for the lightning and 1 particle emitter for the smoke?

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3 separate lightning particles for more tweaking ability, 1 particle for the “smoke” :slight_smile:

random bunny flies through lightning


Right now, I needed to pause development on the main stuff for Ultimate Boxing to do boxes and box attachments (because just weapons is just lame).

In order from right to left:

  1. Basic Block (Free/Given at start)
  2. Extended Block (Limited amount of uses)
  3. Barrier (Blocks most things, limited amount of impacts)
  4. Flamethrower (Limited amount of uses, longer range, only works on wood, bypasses barrier)
  5. Dat Block (waddup)
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My thoughts exactly.

I took the the roblox mesh and cut it into these pieces:

Right now the animation just makes the bangs point down and sway back and forth. Some day I want to make it take velocity, momentum, and constraints into account, but I think I’m too lazy to animate the ponytail part for now :stuck_out_tongue:

I think I might reuse the bangs for a male hair style.


That’s a dust particle I use as dark magic effect; :laughing:

Skin parts flying off from the player
dark magic optimized.gif


Damn it Dark Samus how many times do I have to kill you?


math.huge() times

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