What are you working on currently? [2016]

Link pl0x?

NVM, by all means yes It will compete with it
I really didn’t like VIP at all, i remember looking at it

Super huge overhaul+update for Super Bomb Survival. Completely redoing the GUI to be less obtrusive, more appealing, and work nicely with a gamepad. Tons of rebalancing, tweaks to gameplay, graphical updates, new maps/bombs/etc, and more. It’s a pretty big undertaking, but it’s gonna make the game WAY easier to update and will also make it compete better with current-day ROBLOX games.

More importantly, I’ll finally be happy with the quality of the game again. :B


Please tell me you have tons of hotkeys.

Because I like my hotkeys.

I love the new UI. .o.

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What this also means is that you can adjust all of a parts properties from the properties window, which removes clutter from the actual plugin menu and removes complication.
This is all because it uses normal Selection service, with no loss of functionality. Just gains.

Also I know this is getting a bit spammy now; but ScriptOn shoot me a message if you have a suggestion for the plugin you think would really take the cake or help you build better/faster

What do all of those buttons do? Some icons are self-explanatory like the settings cog and- well really that’s all I was able to figure out.

I’ll List them in order.
Modelling (Resizing, Moving, Rotating, Percision CFraming)
Editing (Editing various properties such as anchored, locked, etc… just for those people who want it in a plugin)
Surface (Material, BrickColor editing, Surface Selection and editing, texture editing)
Addon/Create (Create various Brick types, such as spawn, cornerwedges, etc etc or apply that class to a existing part)
Mesh menu (self explanetory)
Scaling (Having Hierarchy matched model scaling (useful for gun making, minimapping etc))
Endo menu (For real time triangle editing, or parabola creation)
Mirror menu (Mirroring your creation so it can be symmetric)
Weld menu (selective welding, and various other welding tools, useful for prewelded gun making)
prefabs (models/build sets already inside the plugin model ready for use)
Layers menu (lets you adjust what parts your current selection function can user/interact with. Aka you can make a layer for all red parts and only red parts can be selected when that layer is being used. :slight_smile: )
Select Menu (aka the main selection tools for non-general selections (such as making a property filter list to filter out which parts ur looking for in the current build and select them)
And Lastly the options menu which will have surprise features I don’t want to reveal here.

Again, all suggestions are welcome :slight_smile: and what do you think Echo?

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Using the default selection instead of making it custom is definitely a +1 for me – I regularly use up to 3 building plugins in addition to the ROBLOX tools at once (CmdUtl, Build Assistant, and Numonji’s (I probably spelled his name wrong) Command Panel), and they all work together nicely because they all use the default selection. Any plugin that doesn’t use the default selection makes me take an extra step to use those, so I rarely use anything that has a custom selection thingy.

I wouldn’t use the Create menu since it’s pretty much a dumbed down version of Advanced Objects (I already have a plugin which lets me specify what I want objects’ default properties to be if your plugin does that), but I might find it useful if it was able to insert primitive CSG shapes like the ones M0RGOTH’s CSG plugin provides. I’m not sure if those would be more appropriate in prefabs though.

Mirror sounds like it could be useful – I’ve been using someone’s command bar reflect (_G.reflect() – I forgot who made it), so using one with an interface might be a nice change. If it doesn’t already, it’d be really neat if I could mirror a model and while I was building inside that model, have my changes mirrored to the other half – a live sort of mirroring.

THEM Magazines Issue #3
This is all I can show you.


Challenge accepted.

That camera <3.
Make a blurred sorta effect on the camera when you go down a hill, like everything is going fast. It’s amazing.

That’s awesome! You could probably help with that by adding a very tight spring simulation to the camera. In real life, you tend to get jostled around a bit, but your head has momentum. You’re currently rigidly attached to the car, so hard bumps look like snaps.

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This better have VR support. That would be awesome.


Thanks guys :grin:.

With some luck motion blur is possible once Roblox adds post-processing shaders. Doubt it though, as a good MB effect tends to be quite expensive…
Would definitely add a lot to the immersion, though!

I’ve tried several things so far, something is also visible in the video. Usually the camera offset tends to hit the “borders” of the allowed offset really quickly, causing the camera to always “slack behind”, which causes the current offsets to the sides in turns and it being pushed back in general.
Probably going to try a system where the camera’s (world space) velocity + angular velocity try to maintain their “current trajectory” to some degree, which hopefully causes the camera to stabilize during turns etc. Or maybe the associated acceleration values…

I’ve had success with keeping the camera position stationary and using the delta position per frame in the local X and Y axis to set the velocity of the a pair of spring and damper systems that determine the rotation in each axis.

Yeah, I would try an axis-constrained sort of system, maybe.

Keeping the camera in a fixed position seems weird, but I’ll be sure to try it out, thanks for the suggestion!

Ok, so, I was wrong. It uses the product of acceleration and angular acceleration over the current frame and previous two frames to add to the current spring velocity.