What are you working on currently? [2016]

Are you going to make secondary materials for the gray parts? (like bo2 diamonds where the material was gold but the texture was diamonds)

Yes and no. I’m going to change it very subtly for a few of the camos. It’s not going to be crazy like PF where you can edit the primary and secondary camo, but it’ll turn like black/white/grey or some other dull colors to fit the theme of the camo better in certain cases.

I really don’t want to change the look of the gun structure itself. The body can be changed as much as wanted but if the functional parts get camos I think it starts to look too messy.

Here’s two possible patterns for the super s:



Can you send a version that repeats? If I put these in they won’t do very well.

um yeah, I thought you had graphics programs.

I have photoshop and blender but my abilities on both are limited. A few of the camos above (at least 3 for sure, they’re all photorealistic which don’t look good anyway) won’t be used due to copyright since I found all of these online.

Been making a lot of machines for an upcoming game


PF has camos? Or do you mean BO2?

Is there too much that would have to be changed if you were to give the functional parts camos? Of course not for every camo but for the top tier ones.

I name the gun parts very well so it wouldn’t be much effort. It’s just personal preference. I don’t want the guns looking too much like toys :confused: (Who knows, that might help me get it featured for Xb1)

And no, I mean PF haha. I should have been more clear. Their most recent update place features it. It’s not on the real place yet.

Edited again to include 12 more camos. (@NWSpacek @EndorsedModel @Ninja_Deer @YasuYoshida)

Those look awesome, I find the one that’s a pic of the gun amusing. That woodgrain though…

Gonna upload a camo that’s just various examples of worst case-scenario wood grain.

Please put these in a spoiler. Please. That is an insane amount of photos.

Some of them look really nice, though!

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Good idea.

I added three more again smh somebody help me stop this addiction

Based on some feedback, I reduced the brightness of the lines that run along the sidebars on the screen during gameplay. I can see why, too: since it’s in your peripheral vision, the change in brightness is detected much better due to an abundance of brightness-detecting rod receptor cells, as opposed to color-detecting cone cells, which are focused in the fovea, a spot right in the very back of your eye.

When you look directly at the sidebars, they don’t seem all that bright because of the higher number of cone cells in the center of your vision compared to rods, but as soon as you aren’t focused on them – and focusing on the gameplay instead – they appear a couple times brighter, and that’s enough to get really distracting.

[details=Images and more details]Before

After (just baaaaarely visible; look on the word ‘SOUND’, where it’s darkest)


Also, finally implemented a server-only high scores list. It’ll show you all of the top scores for the selected song and difficulty, as well as your own top score from the full list from that song/difficulty.

Edit: I think one of my testers just managed to softlock the game by getting the options menu open right before entering a track. I guess it’s a good thing I’m waiting until Halloween to release the game to catch bugs like this…


Personally I think you should remove the sidebars entirely.

They aren’t actually doing anything and just make everything feel cramped

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Although that’s the case now, I’m going to be using them for a feature later where you can view the scores and positions of people playing the song with you, in a sort of active score battle mode.

Right now, I could probably just have them be shifted to be off-screen when there’s no battle going on, to avoid the cramped screen when playing alone.


meta camo

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Made a deer!


Version 1 of the new character model (shown in a post earlier like 2 days ago) didn’t have something I’ve wanted for a while now: Hips! Version 2 now has a hip-joint (not textured yet, so it’s a bit hard to see. It’s the pure black object under the lower-torso)

Click to see a very long post about one very small detail

This has many benefits to character movement. The most obvious is for movement. I’ll show that next. Here you can see the differences. I had to move the lower torso and size it a bit to make room for the hips.

Here’s a good example of how hips improve character looks easily:

I used to distribute the ‘look angle’ (Moving your mouse up/down) amongst the lower and upper torso (left), giving each joint half of the look angle. It actually looked really good at the time in my opinion but I wanted to do better this time around.

V2 distributes this look angle to the hips (33%), lower torso (33%) and upper torso (33%).

One of the real motivators behind this change was how legs work. Currently they’re hooked up to an invisible part in the body that acts kind of like a HumanoidRootPart does in roblox characters. HRP connects to torso and the torso connects to everything else. In my case the ‘HRP’ connects to the hips and the hips connect to everything else, except the legs. The legs connect directly to the HRP which let’s me animate/move the hips (and thus the upper half of the body, as everything above is connected to the hips through descendants and such) without having to touch the legs.

To put it simply: Legs aren’t attached to the lowertorso or any of the body anymore. They’re connected to the HRP so that doing things like bending the hip angle won’t also move the legs with it.

Also the booty just looks better imo. No more awkward space. This is definitely a selling point for Kinetic Code.

Another issue is that if you bend over at full capacity (about 115 degrees) your torso has to push into the legs or else there will be a giant gap where your butt is supposed to be.

Adding a hip-joint not only distributed the look angle amongst 3 joints, it also makes the geometry clash less often. No more pushing the torso into the legs at extreme angles:

It just kinda fits now.

Yeah idk. It’s a lot of text/images explaining one tiny detail but I find the tiny details in something so relatively complex add a lot to the the characters themselves. Hopefully all my explanation will help someone else someday.

Edit: Looked back on the post and the back-crack seemed very obvious to me. Adjusted the mesh a bit and it’s less noticable now:

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Character design WIP for Q-CLASH! This is not yet textured.

Coming to you this December!