What are you working on currently? [2016]

Please tell me this is going to be an R15 package.

Sidenote: The only thing worse than a midterm, is a midterm for a piano class… that your teacher forgot to assign… a week before it’s due…

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Today I rigged up a simple 13(?) joint character, because I really wanted to be just a little different than the normal ROBLOX character and have some more joints to work with when making animations. It’s got run, backpedal, sidle, and jump / fall animations. You can mess around with it here:

It doesn’t look great, I know. It’s a work in progress visually and will probably be replaced mostly with user-customized pieces. Just thought it’d be fun to share that I have a fully-working third-person shooter character. I spent a long time getting his chest to tilt up and down with aim, too.

Hey its Buck!

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Reminds me of Dr. Seus

Wasn’t intentional, but hey. We are trying to make it kid friendly. It works.

Currently working on a dragon for @thelolguy301!
It’s toothless, carries no spikes, etc. But that’ll happen sooner or later! :wink:
Opinions & feedback @GuestCapone & @Yourius?

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The horn is really big. It almost looks like he smacked head first into a door. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Don’t worry, Kacey, if your acting career doesn’t work out there are other alternatives.


It’s based off of this beast! :stuck_out_tongue: It’s got quite a big horn.

My first Smooth Terrain map!

The free models are just there for positions, custom ones are being made :wink:


You really should look into fixing the proportions of your rig!

(I accounted for parallax by using 3D rotation in paint.net.)

The torso and the arms are far too tiny compared to the legs.

The legs are roughly the right size according to the head, but the shins could be shorter.

The shoulder height vs. the head height is for the most part OK, and the positioning of the arms against the torso is fine, but the torso and the arms are very squashed compared to the legs.

In general, a character should be 8 heads high. There should be 3 full head heights between the base of the head and the hips. The upper arms of your rig are not nearly long enough.


Thanks for the feedback. This is why I post such early dev. I haven’t re-reanimated yet so I can make your suggested edits quite easily.

I inserted the image off of google with a proper aspect ratio into studio and overlayed my character with it.This is the result.

From what I can see:

  • Elbows, knees, and ankles need be moved (and thus, the joints attaching them as well)
  • Each leg should be closer to the center of the body. They come out too far.
  • Pelvis/Hips armor plate is a touch too high.

I’m gonna go make these changes and see how they compare to v2.


Deer families!!! :smiley:


The effort that you’ve put into that game is endearing.


You sure are having fawn.


I doe love fun.


I’m quite staggered that we made it this far.


Yeah… I wouldn’t hoove it any other way.


No, really. This is the most I’ve ever herd.