What are you working on currently? [2016]

a fountain???

Will the game have custom Lighting settings? The assets look very nice, but doesn’t really give you the tropical vibe.

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We actually use those iMacs at my high school. The back looks a bit flat though.

Congrats on being 4000th post!

Not exactly the 4000th post… I wonder if deleted posts are just hidden from us rather than removed with all the ids shifted.

Yeah probably, because there are supposedly 4004 posts but the ID is 4036!

I believe @AlgyLacey is adding skins for most of the assets as part of the gamepasses, but yeah the actual map will need custom lighting settings to give a tropical vibe. This was just in a building place.

Yeah, the lighting/music/ambient will definitely be tropical!

I have been working on some game security stuff for my code.
What I see in studio:

What the client sees:

I am hoping this will prevent ~80% of my code unable to be stolen via a client geometry exploit now. I am hoping to bump this up to ~98%, such as code in ReplicatedStorage, once I get the rest of the implementation done. I will also try to see if I can re-parent RemoteEvents to nil and have them still work.
Edit: In a test server, appears you can do that.

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This is an epic thread. :slight_smile:

Almost makes me wonder if we should a What Are You Working On Currently sub-forum. Or would that be too disjointed?

That would be both a good and bad idea in my opinion. It would be great for large things we have worked on, as well as continuations, with discussions on the particular thing, but I have a feeling that would lead some people to post less about smaller things… not to mention the massive amount of new threads that would start to be created.

How about a poll?

  • Yes to a separate sub-forum
  • No to a separate sub-forum
  • Not sure about a separate sub-forum

0 voters

It’s not big enough for an entire forum. A single thread is more focused.


Wouldn’t Cool Creations already fit the bill for that? I don’t think a dedicated subforum either way would be all that great though. Part of the epicness of this thread is convenience – I can load one page and view all the latest talk about what people are working on. If it were split into multiple threads, I probably wouldn’t check them as often, especially if their volume was as significant as this thread’s.


Can agree this thread is really convenient

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Those are for finished products/significant updates to our projects.

Here I can spend a page writing about how hips improve my character model and it’s no biggie. If I did that type of stuff as individual threads it’d be boring and wasteful.

Right, exactly!

IMO, making a thread for something is kind of like going “I’M MR. GREGTAME, LOOK AT MEEEE”
where as posting to this thread means i can critique or suggest things to someone else’s project, while also showing a bit of what i’m doing.

plus with making your own thread, if someone wants to catch up on what everyone is working on, they have to look at every thread, with this you just have to scroll through 5-30 replies a day.


Yeah. Someone saw my WIP character model a few days ago and pointed out some flaws. If I had posted the finished product instead of dev shots I wouldn’t have been able to make such quick adjustments.

Been working for 2 days (~9 hours each day) on my new animator. I’m not quite ready to do a giant post on it (that’s coming soon :smiley: ) but here’s something I’m really proud of.

I run the animator in Play-Solo (quite a few reasons for this, I’ll explain it later sometime) so the top 36 pixels were always taken up by roblox. Now that we can toggle it’s visibility completely I can use up the space again. I used custom mouse and renderstepped stuffs to make Draggable single-axis sliders (that time slider thingy) work without a hitch.

This extra screen-estate was the main motivator: minimize y-axis space taken up by non-essential GUI and replace it with keyframe timelines. Basically show more joints in the same amount of space. The second issue was scrollbars, which for some reason (got knows why) don’t allow overlapping so I always had to ‘inset’ one of them by 15 pixels since i had to have a different scrollbar for both vertical and horizontal movement. I couldn’t just enable both scrollbars on one scroll thing because the keyframenames need to move with the y-axis but not the x-axis, and the keyframes can move with the y-axis and x-axis but the timeline/timebar can only move with the x-axis. It’s a nightmare. I got 36 extra pixels on the y-axis for deleting all this crap and redoing it myself…

I threw all that crap away and made custom scrollbars using mouse scroll + mouse drag. I was able to get rid of both of them completely :smiley: Another 15 pixels on both y-axis and x-axis.

The third thing I got rid of was this “drag to resize” thingy. I saved 20 more y-axis pixels by using scrollwheel to resize:

This y-axis pixel space is important because I edit FPS animations and all those keyframes get in the way when previewing:

Here’s the same y-space (about 185 pixels) on both editor versions. In total I saved about 71 pixels y-axis and 15 x-axis pixels. You can see how one utilizes the space much better than the other.

I still have a few things to do here so I won’t post the full thing just yet. Pretty excited that I can fit those extra 2 keyframes, though.


That’s actually pure perspective :slight_smile: