What are you working on currently? [2016]

i got you fam

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I meant the ambiance and the buildings overall silly :stuck_out_tongue:
The pine trees are my own touch to make the map a unique sort of fall seasonal map, with inter-changable seasons, rather than a spooky hall0ween map.

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NPCs v2.

They’re now more efficient and follow paths more accurately.

Currently each NPC calculates the path as it goes, but I’ll add a path saving feature so after a while all the paths will already be calculated and then re-used.


Not “truly” animated but I’ve made a system which let’s offsets in meshes be respected while animating angles. Long story short the chamber empty animation can be animated pretty easily now. Going to properly animate it with a character model and such when I finish the animator (hopefully tonight!)


And there’s a beautiful fall sunset :slight_smile:


add a bit of random, so it looks less robotic?

Do you mean when they reach the nodes?

There will be waiting, talking, etc, but I haven’t got around to that yet. :wink:

yeah, like… instead of


it could be


i did something similar a year ago

however they didn’t pathfind, just randomly wandered from node to node.


I like that, thanks!

Got tired of coding so I animated the silliest rechamber animation I could think of.



New IK on the arms + put the shoulder pivot animation editor back in. The finishing touches are starting to get me really excited about actually animating with this thing again :smiley:


Edit: a few hours later and…

I think now you’ll understand why I stressed so much about saving y-axis space :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess I kinda revealed the finished product now. Oh well. I’ll probably still do a proper post with gifs and close-ups of certain details.

Here’s a super rough-sketch animation of the Intervention rechamber that I did in like 10 minutes. Redoing tomorrow for better velocity preservation/finger movement:



Mounts :smiley:


That looks stunning!
Might I ask you for assistance on making mounts like that?
@thelolguy301 and I wish to make mounts in various kinds like dragons, wyverns, gryphons, etc. for our project.
Your help will be really appreciated!

I can PM you with more information, if you don’t mind! :smiley:


Thanks! but sorry my game is really complex (100K lines) and uses patterns that would be too difficult for me to explain >_<

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Aww that’s ok!

Hm… Would you mind adding me on Skype or Discord? :smiley:

Perhaps, if you have free time, we can look into a more simplified idea :slight_smile:

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Could explain the “conceptional system” behind it? As in, not in code, but rather in how you solved this; basically like saying it in pseudocode, for example?

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Messing around with my audio visualizer and accidentally made this:

Not Roblox https://i.gyazo.com/cbf6d943c3f11ac0943dec868b8acd83.gif

Edit: Also, made this recently

I’ll work on perfect circles laterrrr


Maybe make the gun be pushed just a tiny bit forward as he slams the bolt in?

It uses a custom lua skeleton for the graphics, and I connect the human’s root bone to the horses ‘MountPoint1’ bone. I might try doing inverse kinematics on the hands so that it actually grabs on and the arms move. I can actually create complex mount trees by setting the horse’s mount to another character, and that character’s mount to another one, and so on xD


please say we can have each of those as a ridable pet c;