What are you working on currently? [2016]

Just made them all mountable! :slight_smile: (although pets do require shards to create):

(Wood elves can ride deer)

Some day I’d like to add mounting from player-player (pets are playable in the same way characters are)
The system can already do it easily from the dev console, but the gui’s and consent dialogs get complicated


I’ll pay 5k robux gamepass for a toothless ridable dragon in game.


There are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many animal types I want to add!!! :DDD
I could add a thousand more realistic animals and the game’s load time wouldn’t be affected because I set everything up to only replicate when needed.


That’s what I do :smiley:

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dang… i should do that…
with nearing 60+ CSG tanks and all…
are you using insertservice to load them in?

I’m redoing the whole thing properly anyways. I just wanted to show what I could create in 10 minutes.

:heart_eyes: purdy

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:joy: :joy: :joy:


Getting a Riders of Icarus vibe from all the mounts :P Hopefully the combat system turns out better than theirs’ though.

i’m pretty sure that’s the ultimate sign of approval.
three crying face emojis from roblox staff.


When your teacher requires you to model your team’s robot and allows you to use Roblox.

Still have to add a lot more. I need to finish it by November 17th.


Nicer armor


I just made this string pattern:


But then I realized it didn’t work like how I needed it work. :frowning:

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Been busy working on BlendBlox, added a small key press displayer like Blenders (mostly pointless however its kinda needed for when I make my progress-showcase video of it) as well as working color picker, color painter, material picker and material painter and working on a drop down material selection with working search bar.

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You’ll never know until I say so >u<


I’m just being smushing.“Easter egg in my game”


dear lord is that vex robot parts?

high school engineering course 'nam flashbacks

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Properly did the M200 rechamber animation. Almost 40 minutes of work for about 1.5 seconds worth of animation

ft. Speed video http://youtu.be/0WRK_YhTUS4


you should make it snap release instead of slowly putting it back

From what I understand the M200 isn’t spring-loaded like that. If it was built like that I don’t think manually rechambering after each shot would be needed as the force of the bullet’s explosion would knock back the spring and release the empty bullet casings & load in the next bullet. (AKA how most rifles work)

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