What are you working on currently? [2016]

I’m curious about what that pattern should do (if it were working).
Also, if you want [%w]+ to be optional, use [%w]*, don’t add ? inside the set.
Keeping that in mind, I still don’t know what it should do… much curious, such mystery

been working on this on and off for the past week, pretty fun side project


10/10 vex chassis

Should make a “I’m sick of my guns crap” animation pack c:

Coding in a couple different track types.

i could probably set it so i input how many parallel tracks i want, so stuff like This would be much easier to build.

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it’ll l00k c00ler

This thread is too long for its own good.

That’s what she said!..
…when i was taking sewing classes from a friend a few years ago…
didn’t help much in the long run, but i can mend clothing now, sooo… yeah ,-.
sorry, this is so off topic.

just made some content to re-rail this topic!

it’s done, @NWSpacek


More tiny details…

I took some suggestions to improve it and implemented them, such as: Gun maintains velocity better between transitions. Camera is animated slightly. The bolt in/out is much more controlled looking. It’s faster but it looks like a bit more human, I think.

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When are you going to make a lever action shotgun and reloading/chambering (can’t remember to correct term for this) from Terminator 2? No one has done it yet…

Sneak peek of the MeepCity PLUS Building interior!


Got bored. Made static.

A more dramatic demonstration:


Looks less like static and more like a dramatic, cinematic virus attack :stuck_out_tongue:


that looks pretty cool!

it looks like you’re doing a random on the size of the frame, correct?
perhaps try


just so it clips into the left and top edges as well.
just a thought.

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True. Had a go at real-er static:

While neat, this particular demo is hell on efficiency. For some completely undiscernable reason, 2500 frames being changed every frame isn’t particularly performant…who knew? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep - randomizing position and size each frame, plus some stuff to make it “fade out” as it finishes. I’ve already fixed the bias towards bottom-right - thanks, though!


The best system would be where the text actually gets distorted, dont know if thats possible though


It’s possible, just more effort than I felt like putting into it. Maybe tomorrow.

Blox High (highschool roleplay based in a city)


Are those textures for windows? The general aesthetic is very pleasing (albeit a little too orange).