What are you working on currently? [2016]


my oh my, is it that time already?
time for another side project, of course!

Custom CFramed player movement for… a thing.

Moving on a train without falling off?

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not so much on the train, more of. in the train.
mostly because i saw This game get stupid popular, (i know 120k visitors is kind low… but still)
and it sparked the idea of “what if you could do that with a train that went around curves, stopped at stations, etc”

EDIT: ok, so it’s not quite… in the train, but i haven’t modeled an interior yet…

Got the new character models working in-game! New ACR is converted from unions and optimized inside of blender. The result is the body stays as one big Mesh and camos are seamless since there aren’t multiple parts getting camos.

I also got VordonZon’s grip finally implemented/coded (he made it like 3 months ago?) :smiley:

Here’s basically a summation of what I’ve worked on in the 6 months. The finalized and polished version of: Weapon/Camera Recoil, Spread Bounce, Weapon Animation, Weapon Build Quality, and new character system (which has better proportions so animations look a bit better as well):


Keep in mind that the ACR has the least recoil of any gun in the game haha.


Reload anim is a placeholder, right?
Also what was the issue with the characters?

Reload is staying. It looks better in literally anything higher than what FPS the gif was recorded in. (you can kinda tell it’s low-fps by looking @ the chamber. It doesn’t look like it’s even moving much when firing)

The issue with characters was the arms were too short for body proportions. The shoulders were too close together, the neck was too short, the head was oversized, a majoriy of the body’s Z-axis size was too thin, and a majority of the body’s X-axis was too large. I also changed the height a bit (a tiny bit taller). I also added a ‘Hip’ part/joint to connect the LowerTorso to the LeftHip/RightHip.

Overall a lot more human looking.

Oh well the only problem I had with the reload is the switching from the mag to grip seems really linear and fast, far from human-like

Oh that. That’s the Idle pose.

It runs on ExpoOut (starts super fast then slows down a lot before reaching it’s target). I can definately add another keyframe in there and change the easing style to make the animation from Reload → Idle to be more pleasant.

I thought you had an issue with the actual reload animation (which ends as soon as the magazine is re-entered)

My bad, no thats fine.
And yeah making the transition more pleasant would be great.
Keep up with the development updates :slight_smile:

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Why do all of the bullets go southeast when firing from the hip? Is it because the gun is positioned to the southeast when hipfiring?

Also there’s some clipping of the camera and the gun when ADS’d.

Bullets fire out of the barrel. It makes for better gunplay with recoil and sway and such.

And yes, I keep it like that on purpose. I’m not moving back the camera (and decreasing the size of sight’s size on the screen as a result) just because roblox won’t let us touch the clipping pane

I’m waiting for one of the admins to change it during a hack week project!

Why use one gun when you can use two? I’ve yet to see completely independent dual wield on a ROBLOX shooter, so I decided to make it. Also cus it’s fun beyond belief. Your aim button fires the left gun while your normal fire button triggers the right.

gif quality and framerate is awful, but whatev

4 barrels > 2 barrels

just because I can


Wait, left button for the right gun and right button for the left gun?



Wait, crap, you’re right. I use E to aim, so it made sense, but for people using RMB/LMB layout this will seem backwards.

Looks neat. I wanna do this too, at some point. How are you going to balance a lot of these?

Dual LMG = SMG/AR ROF with crappy walkspeed, accuracy, and recoil.

It’ll probably be limited to SMGs, Sidearms, and the Double Barrel. Current penalties:
-50% hip fire accuracy
+50% recoil, with slower recentering (I tried 0 recentering but it was way too much)
-20% weapon stability (really just visual because you can’t aim anyway)
+1 to weight

I had a range penalty, but I took it out because the accuracy falls off long before the range does anyway, so it ended up just hurting the Double Barrel. I’ll see how things turn out in actual games, but it’s just going to come down to finding that sweet spot for accuracy that’s neither too op or too up. It seems decently fair right now, and different SMGs play different range roles due to their different base accuracies and movement/shooting scaling.

Another long night of optimizations later and it’s down to 0.008 milliseconds for worst case scenario, 0.0006 for best case. :slight_smile:

It got to a point where I had to start testing in batches of 100000 and then dividing the results, because performance.now() wasn’t accurate enough to time a single run.

I’m not done yet, but I have things to do now so I figured I’d post some updates and get back to it later.

I started dabbling in javascript yesterday, I wrote something that requests my sales data until it has every transaction from the past 9 years, then converts to a bunch of lua lists. Turns out I’ve made a few million sales :open_mouth: (includes stuff like free models)

It enumerates everything and does delta encoding to reduce the length of the result string, although the result was still ~400k lines of code and was rejected by the lua compiler.

… sooo I wrote another script that cuts it into a few thousand modulescripts then stiches the tables together xD

Typing in a date and seeing exactly what sold that day is super nostalgic :slight_smile:

Viewing millions of lines seems to destroy every text editor I use, so I pulled out the ol’ lagless-billion-line developer console I kinda stopped working on. I don’t usually share sale-related stuff, but I tweaked a few lines and THIS IS SO COOL OMG :astonished:


Tbh I forgot when I did a lot of things on roblox, but now I can go back to 2010 and see my old game hit the front page again :sob: :sob: :sob: I’M GOING TO DIE OF NOSTALGIA, SEND HELP

I could also use this to recover from save data loss on one of my games or something.


JavaScript is an amazing language, and I highly encourage you to continue dabbling in it.