What are you working on currently? [2016]

Now turn it into a chrome extension everyone can install

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Progress being made!

to do still:
add some seats ‘n’ stuff.
texture it.
maybe up the walk speed a bit.


soak train cars in wood

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spooky :scream:

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Slowly working on a grappling hook because I’ve never really dealt with CFrame before. Also made a little ghost to follow me around for fun.

tall image

Toying with UI design.

also being really bad at alpha masking


Working on an AI survival gamemode for The Conquerors 3. Just finished up the fourth map,


No more blocky maps :open_mouth: nice work

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Thanks. Yeah I completely remade TC to today’s standards and releasing smooth triangle maps was a must. It’s easy to make those maps too, takes 1.5 hours tops.

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Tonight’s long night of coding is going to be dedicated towards making an automatic tester for my database updates. I make a backup of my database every time i update it’s methods because I tend to overlook rare but existent cases where the logic fails to produce expected results.

I sadly have no way of visualizing what I do unlike most of you :frowning:

I frequently work on back end stuff, and visualizing something that already works just isn’t a productive use of my time imo. Not when I have more back end work to do anyway.

Kind of random but…

Today I got my first potential animator for Kinetic Code. It was really awesome watching him try to figure out how to use it. I learned where I could improve the UI and added the features he wanted on ScriptOn’s Animator v5.5


  • Time scroller letting you move into the negative seconds fixed
  • Keyframes being created behind 0 seconds, showing just the tail-end of themselves fixed
  • Right-clicking empty keyframe timelines and having their slots screw up fixed


  • Escape can’t be used by scripts, so pressing ` (left of 1 key) escapes any joint edit
  • Y key toggles local/global movement and rotation
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It’s getting close to that time of year again. Time to work on my Christmas game.

Candy Forest!

I made this area mostly because I need space to hide quest items. This gives me a huge area.


How did you do this? The text distortion, that is

dude add scrolling scenery and i will sit on that train happily for hours. vr support please


If you’ve seen my last posts about a game called BlockOps… The project has changed into a even more comprehensive FPS project.

And hey, me and my team have made a lot a lot a lot of new content, but I’ll give a technical teaser for what to expect :slight_smile:


Filled Shapes were something I really gunned for.
Pun not intended.


something like this, perhaps?

also, more interior progress


or perhaps something like this?


Bunch of textlabels placed so the text lines up with all the others, but is only 2 pixels wide. ClipsDescendents=true and move it up and down by a few pixels.


Learning C# < - > Lua binding so I can call lua stuff from C# and vice versa :smiley:
Also using SFML.Net for graphics and NLua for the Lua interface :slight_smile:

^Those functions in the lua code are being called from the C# side :slight_smile:

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would looooove to have those bracket looking things in the ROBLOX editor


y u no let me animate

I don’t really give it out :stuck_out_tongue: sorry