What are you working on currently? [2016]

how come u get other animator but not me

you gotta at least buy him dinner first.

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He showed me his twitter profile and it was packed full of existing weapon animation GIFs showcasing his work.

I have no idea why I made this.

Turn around to look at the head


tfw shia lablox isn’t good enough

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meta overwhelming

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I’m pretty sure this is how trees work

can’t be sure tho…


Mesh terrain!
because… it’s visual only.


Is that post-apocalypse?


New and improved buildings coming to MeepCity!


What’s it look like on graphics setting 2?


Perhaps some bright brights behind the windows to make up for it?

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I don’t think there’s enough neon

Really neat!

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Better than before.

Its my 9 hour development baby, for upcoming FPS. Also that is a Map that will also be in the game…
Stay tuned for more updates :slight_smile:


Neat. If I were you I’d render it in the largest resolution your screen handles (for me it’d be 1440x1440, aka my screen’s y-axis heigh if I go fullscreen + disabled topbar).

Then I’d take a picture and use an external program to downscale and make slight changes. It’d make those jaggy lines when rotating a lot less distracting. Then I’d upload it online once it’s downscaled to 1024x1024 and have a much less pixely view.

Just some ideas :stuck_out_tongue:

Tbh I wasn’t able to entirely follow that train of thought but that certainly gave me an idea to achieve the result you were thinking of. Will post again with the change right after :slight_smile: thanks

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Updated to your suggestion. I dont know if it will be terribly noticable because the video is 720p, but here it is.
I can notice it on my PC, but idk either way I prefer jagged lines in games honestly (weird, i know.)

For anyone with feedback please do post, I will obviously be adding a lot more features to it, but this is the initial rendering demo.


Also Thanks @TrustMeImRussian for the fantastic map in this Demo.

The edited version, looks way less distracting, much more pleasant to me.


Busy working on a Daily Summary Gui!

After I decided to add NPCs I realised that I wasn’t able to use the old system for production, so I’m working on a semi turn based system which will allow players to set their prices/crops etc for the day.

Appropriate image: