What are you working on currently? [2016]

Finished the newest sword model for my new RPG a few days ago

these are some weapons I still plan to build in the the coming days/week



Remember the sci-fi based centrifuge things (the cool looking things that spin)? Now integrated into the place. Did some improvements to speeds to turn the 1 minute load time to about 10 seconds. Reason is 1 minute * ~150 machines = ~2:30 (2.5 hour) cycle time.


When are you going to add detail to the rigs, like clothes? Clothes would be very cool. Also, adding ankle joints would make sure their feet aren’t all stuck in the ground.

Maps and weapons look cool, the map creator should make the decals more transparent though, especially for graffiti to give it a faded effect and add some flicker to a few lights to give it a more rustic feel?


Yes those ragdolls, bullets, bullet holes, zombie models and flame particles are all local, I even wrote up a simple yet efficient/effective bullet travel script… Doesn’t quiet use perfect deltas for synchronization across all clients, but for now its good enough.

I also finished scripting my toxic fumes script, the green neon parts are the areas of which the toxic fumes won’t get to you.

And because slaying zombies all day makes me hungry, I still am using my backyard BBQ vignette as a safe area outside away from the toxic fumes.


A revolutionary war game, hopefully I’ll finish it this time


When the non-boxy-ness of your hallways is just right…

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Not a fan of the thick diamond plated metals, might wanna make them thinner.

I don’t have a real way to alter trusses like that.

Oh i thought those were normal parts… Why not just make them normal instead? it’ll look better. Or better yet, use a decal.

Getting around to making a loading screen for my zombies, currently this is all I got because I have almost no creativity.

lulz @ the last part of the legal stuffs.


I’m inspired by this…

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Where do I go to play that :open_mouth:

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How many unions is each character model?

None right now.

Haven’t bothered to union the armor yet.

How many parts per character then? My rigs currently have fingers and look like yours but with feet and no armor.

Sixteen with just the character, I’m not sure how many parts the armor is.

Can you please check (including a gun) and tell me? Also has anyone complained of lag?

I’m super curious about these things :slight_smile:

I made a pretty new logo for Mashables with the help of Saxxton:

He used powerpoint to make it, of all things!

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