What are you working on currently? [2016]

something http://img.prntscr.com/img?url=http://i.imgur.com/w9EmvDr.png

A lobby for someone !


Because standard ROBLOX fishing poles are lame, gotta add that realism:

(this is all dynamic and it works with any rotation value – it’s not premade bend models for each degree of bend. I can also make the tip bend more than the base, or the other way around.)


Love it! The bend looks so natural.

Played around with AA+ effects; Here’s the exact same place four times each with different settings;


Assuming it doesn’t already, you should totally interpolate the bending. That would look a lot cooler, and probably not a lot harder, too.

Don’t know whether to release this update yet. But once it’s polished enough I’ll probably decide for it :slight_smile:
For this game: Vibe Garden [Voice Chat] - Roblox


Already supports it :P

What I implemented was a SetWeight function. In the earlier screenshot I just added/subtracted 10 “weight” (not sure what measurement system to use yet) whenever I pressed q/e, just as a proof of concept to check to make sure it worked. If I tweak q/e so that they initiate a smooth loop, I can achieve this:


If you haven’t already, you should implement a vector that the tip tries to point along. That’d be super cool. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ooh, great idea! If the fish is off to the side, it’d look sick to have the rod bend sort of sideways. I’ll definitely work on adding that, because each segment of the pole has complete freedom of rotation since it’s rotating on a ball joint.

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That’s a cool game, the creators must be really cool guys with cool hair. Not that I would know or anything they just seem cool.

Working on a “Sky Elf” race for Shard Seekers RPG:

edit: Replaced dead gyazo link with mp4


At the moment, I’m waiting around for uploadable meshes so I can start converting The Stalker: Reborn over to R15, its going to be a lot of work, but the end result will be so worthwhile.

In the mean time, I’ve been working on creating an infinite terrain generator, based on the current official terrain generator that @stickmasterluke wrote.

The major downside to the terrain generator, is that its insanely expensive to compute.
In order to compensate for this, I had to do a lot of cheating with the task scheduler to grind my way past the limits so I could get maximum computation done as quickly as possible. I spawn a ton of individual threads using the signal of a BindableEvent (which is ironically faster than the actual spawn function), and each individual chunk computes itself in about 2 seconds, depending on how many chunks the script is actually computing at the given time. I also hook up an update thread that loads & unloads chunks over time.

The script holds so much crap, that collectgarbage(“count”) can easily exceed 1 GB. I’m trying to see if I can do some optimization to stop the memory leaks from happening, but its not easy.

Here’s a video of it:

Green borders represent chunks that are actively being computed
Red borders represent chunks that have recently been erased.

You can also play it here:


I think @zeuxcg might like that for his testing…

I just turned off chunk unloading if he wants to test it with the Smooth Terrain LOD stuff

Messing around with animations for a ride vehicle! :stuck_out_tongue:


oh… ship stuff, and space.
probably should be like… working on other stuff than the combat… nah.


Is this the one with the YouTube videos I saw earlier? I’ve seen a ton of space games on YouTube it I’m super sad because I haven’t seen any of them release :frowning:

I… don’t think anyone’s made vids about my project yet,
but… there is a super sekrit early beta release i uploaded to a super sekrit alt
AI ship doesn’t respawn right now, so… if you want people to shoot, bring them yourself

AI ships now respawn, have fun.

This task scheduler :D ?