What are you working on currently? [2016]

This took a good hour:

Keyframes can be moved, resized, and have their tween types changes right right clicks. They snap to the nearest 0.25 increment if you’re within 7 pixels of said increment.


I’ve just been adding celebrations atm


straight outta roblox


Does this use the R15 rig or is it just a render?

Just a render. :pensive:

Lol of that was the R15 rig that’d be so amazing.

Well with user meshes it’ll be as feasible to have that as a character as the R15


Very true, but the neck will have to be right along with the head, or nonexistent.

I’ve messed with the neck on my own rig. It’s actually as simple as a finger joint. Connect from Point A to Point B and it looks fair.

Yea but that requires more than just editing meshes. You can go pretty complex, as you’ve shown, but for someone who just wants a new look, a mesh change will be enough.

That was a problem I came across with my anthro heads, I decided to just make the neck into a stub and it looks fairly decent. Plus it looks like an ROBLOX hat, which makes me very happy.

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Sparkle sparkle


The meshes i used are below the 5k poly limit, so if roblox could just cough allow mesh manipulation, this can be real.

I mean come on, it has been around since 3D games were first introduced.

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Anyone know what this is supposed to be is an awesome kid who grew up during the stone age of the digital world.

All of that is randomly generated too.


VHS* tape!? :smiley:

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Nice! My only suggestion would be to change the font to something more pixelated. I think there’s a free font out there actually based on VHS system fonts you could use.

I’m trying to stay away from using images (as I have to load them in order to use them) for my loading gui. But I do agree, that would make it 100x better.

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What should I do for the ending of the loading screen? :o

EDIT: derp, thought I clicked edit not reply, sorry for double post.

Im getting close to finishing the city


Might I suggest you take a listen to some Megadrive or Dynatron or Orge while you build? It’ll be motivating for that TRON!