What are you working on currently? [2016]

AA is strong with this picture !
awesome !

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Actually surprisingly I think it overstimulates me while I work. Every project I listen to music while making hasn’t worked out because I always think of new ideas inspired from the music

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Yep… Thats what happened here… Originally it was meant to be 1 building on a corner, nothing else… Buuuut Louis Prima is magical, he got me thinking bout a whole block. Now… Now I’m stuck building the rest so slowly.

Was gonna monetize off of tix with that place but rip that. :confused:

The thing about this Tron game I’m making is It got front page in 2012 with 1600 people, and now I know everything I need to make the best tron game again with the best scripting, UI, and the goal is to double 1600 people online at once &maintain that because of the superb roleplay I have in mind.

It’s a “Legacy” title you could say. Which is why I’m really trying not to stop working on it

Hey I’m not trying to put you down but Asimo is working on a really cool Tron game: https://twitter.com/asimo3089/status/700491539407982593

Scroll deep into his pictures to see more. He says release is in June.

I’ve known about this for a while. It would be awesome to see it come in June, and I’m excited to see it,but I think my game is also going to be released in early June so I guess it’s great to see some competition.
Although from the pictures it looks like we are going for very different gameplay

Icons for SBS’s new options menu


Trying to make as many AIs as possible run simultaneously with custom physics while still running smooth
Right now I’m testing 64 of them all active at the same time, jumping around, which works fine:

Most of the logic is server sided, but all the rendering and smoothing is done on the client. The further they are from the camera, the faster they render. They’re also updated less frequently if not on screen.
Here is a stress test place with 100 of them if you’re into that: Custom humanoids demo - Roblox

PS: If you’re seeing blue spheres, thats because the client had some kind of issue attaching the character model. I’m working on it.

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Is this using the same method I used for Demented Defense?


I think you may have a memory leak btw

Not sure, how’d you do yours?
I’ll look into the memory leak. That looks crazy.

Working on the UI for a large-scale terrain project that I’m hoping will do well with Terrain LOD

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I made my own AI system (Jump-Point A*) then had the server load in one part called Torso for each NPC. It’d change their position based on the AI results and the clients would locally render the character rig onto that torso, creating their own animations and stuff.

Yeah, I’m doing pretty much the same thing. I’m not sure what’s causing the extreme ping, did you have any such issue?

No. I optimized the hell out of everything. How often are you running the A* code? I only ran it if: the player was over 10 studs away from their position when the first A* was run, or the player can no longer be seen (ray) from their original position, or a few other odd scenarios.

I’d update the torso positions like 1/30s

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Sorry, forgot to mention I’m not using any pathfinding yet, but I’m doing the torso thing :stuck_out_tongue:
My AI updates on Heartbeat, so 60 (?) times per second. I’m guessing replicating (60*number of AIs) positions and rotations per second is what’s creating this massive ping. I’ll try and optimize it.

30hz is plenty, I use it for my zombies. I’m able to run 300 of them (with only torsos) before I lag, though I can only run with 100 of them if I want to give them actual bodies. :c

That includes pathfinding btw… Which I only request a new path when its been 10+ seconds, zombie’s target has died or the zombie doesn’t have a path. Keeps things smooth. I use @VolcanoINC’s node based pathfinder for my pathfinding, easy to use, bakes the paths so you can cache them… Which is insanely useful. I cannot stress how little lag you get from having cached paths… Though you get some major lag during the baking, and it’ll last a few hours if you’r like me and have 60k+ possible paths.

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Finished UI for main menu: (besides missing logo)

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I built a ski gondola.


Decided to challenge CSG/Solid Modeling. Here’s ROBLOX’s Cylinder VS my custom-made cylinder (Size 50x1x50)


(RIP polygon count though)


You could probably do the same with less polygons when we get mesh importing.
Or… import to blender, optimize the triangles, then import to Roblox when mesh importing is live.