What are you working on currently? [2016]

Tried to make a custom skybox.
It looked like a box.
Couldnt find tool to make one properly.
So I used LOVE2D engine to write a quick generator to get proper gradient for the top and side images (calculate pixel coordinate as it would be in world, set color accordingly), complete with dithering to eliminate banding.

local text=""
function love.draw()
    love.graphics.print(text, 400, 300)
function love.update(dt)
local r,g,b=31,182,255
local w,h=512,512
local dithering=64
local imageData=love.image.newImageData(w,h)
for x=0, w-1 do
	for y=0,h-1 do
		local px,py,pz=(x-w/2),(y-h/2), (w/2)
		local magnitude = math.sqrt(px^2 + py^2 + pz^2)
		local gradient = (py + 1)/2.0
		--exact color
		local er,eg,eb = 255*gradient + r*(1-gradient),
						255*gradient + g*(1-gradient),
						255*gradient + b*(1-gradient)
		--quantified colors
		local r1,g1,b1 = math.floor(er),math.floor(eg),math.floor(eb) --previous quantization
		local r2,g2,b2 = math.ceil(er),math.ceil(eg),math.ceil(eb) --next quantization
		local wr,wg,wb = er-r1, eg-g1, eb-b1 --weights
		--Choose which quantization to use randomly (dither)
		local pr,pg,pb = (math.random()+0.5)>wr,(math.random()+0.5)>wg,(math.random()+0.5)>wb
		imageData:setPixel(x,y,pr and r1 or r2, pg and g1 or g2, pb and b1 or b2,255)
for x=0, w-1 do
	for y=0,h-1 do
		local px,py,pz=(x-w/2),(h/2), (y-w/2)
		local magnitude = math.sqrt(px^2 + py^2 + pz^2)
		local gradient = 1 - (py + 1)/2.0
		--exact color
		local er,eg,eb = 255*gradient + r*(1-gradient),
						255*gradient + g*(1-gradient),
						255*gradient + b*(1-gradient)
		--quantified colors
		local r1,g1,b1 = math.floor(er),math.floor(eg),math.floor(eb) --previous quantization
		local r2,g2,b2 = math.ceil(er),math.ceil(eg),math.ceil(eb) --next quantization
		local wr,wg,wb = er-r1, eg-g1, eb-b1 --weights
		--Choose which quantization to use randomly (dither)
		local pr,pg,pb = (math.random()+0.5)>wr,(math.random()+0.5)>wg,(math.random()+0.5)>wb
		imageData:setPixel(x,y,pr and r2 or r1, pg and g2 or g1, pb and b2 or b1,255)

Well, it turns out, that its actually roblox making it look like a box when they do the day/night gradient thing :expressionless:

Im guessing they also break my dithering because theres very obvious banding ingame. Maybe theyre compressing my images? (I uploaded as 512*512) The dithering will not really work if theyre blurred or jpg-ified or something, I dont think. (could just be decreased brightness tho)

Switched to 1024*1024 and fixed the dithering so its now some heavy noise, but still gives banding in studio :confused: Not a big issue tho


Maybe try uploading as 1024x1024? That’s the max resolution currently.

Yea, the audio on the Video sounds kind of weird, but it sounds a lot better in game. I blame the XBOX recording software on Windows 10.

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The gun thing I started to work on was cancelled because the gun builder (ChromaticDeath) wanted to use a system called TurboFusion.
Guess who had to get it to work with FilteringEnabled the past 2 days… :stuck_out_tongue:

(Froze my torso and got this nice image of my character)

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I would avoid using turbofusion’s gun system.

It would be much better to create your own…


Why? It is working fine for Innovation Inc’s needs, and we now have it FilteringEnabled.

Edit: Also, here is a video I made of it. Need to figure out what is going on with magazines, but everything else works.

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And so here is my mobster AI in action:

Do note, they don’t follow paths yet. This is simply a display of how many AI’s I can run as of now and how they can navigate around objects.


Added this to the FE version of TurboFusion’s gun system. Almost ready for the Innovation Inc labs.


In one line I made every single sight attachment for every single weapon zero in on 100 studs automatically.

It took two hours of fiddling and is probably redundant in some places but I’m proud of the time I’ve saved myself in the future. For those of you that don’t know, games like Phantom Forces (to be specific) have the gun scripter manually trial/error every single sight attachment on every single gun. This isn’t so bad with a few weapons but if you have 20 weapons with 10 sight attachments you’re spending quite a lot of time on zeroing in those sights.

Oh yeah and I got the Animation Editor to a ‘commercially’ usable state. Everything works besides the change Part1 function which I have yet to add, but with the new way I do animations I don’t think I’ll need it.

Here’s something I made earlier, which is a very good example of why I made this new editor. That’s just the left hand, too T.T


Hacking Phantom Forces to work on vive. Thanks to lito for giving me a version that doesn’t crash when I run it :stuck_out_tongue:


Doesn’t the recoil feel super fake in VR? Since you’re not moving yourself but the cam is going up/shaking.

Also I saw you try shooting yourself you sicko

Working on a Top Down Shooter Project


Completely smooth with both clients (the recording has decreased the fps a bit)



I’m still working on the recoil. I’m going to remove the camera shake, re-add the gun shake, and add vibration and see how that feels.

hell divers literally when

More PEW PEW action anyone?
Actually the final version to be used in the Innovation Inc labs.

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My thoughts on this matter: if you can get a legitimately unsettling gory experience on ROBLOX, I’m impressed.

Finished up my phantom forces vive hack. Looks pretty solid for just a day and a half of work. If you have a vive you can play it here:


I’m working on trying to make myself less distracted. I currently have nothing to work on and would like something to design and script(preferably 2D). I made a bowling scoring system that works completely based off of real bowling scoring but I need to be able to animate before I can make it work and I’ve never done that so I’m scared to continue.

I honestly do nothing with my time anymore but look at social media.

This is pretty cool! It makes me wish I had a vive (and a graphics card to handle it).

It does though look like it would be OP against the standard players, as players using a vive could be shooting around a corner without exposing their body, and close quarters combat would be extremely powerful.

How do you handle grenade throwing and long range scopes?