Love how the water is actually scripted and moves!
Posting some things released in my game Discord. Nothing important yet but ready to show off the graphics.
Edit: There is a serious performance problem with the new version that appears with lots of TODO marks (>50 or so) and in Play Solo. It has been reverted for now.
Got the first release of my plugin framework almost complete. Compared to the unreleased version, improvements include:
- User input actually works
- Colors properly change when the Studio theme changes
- Qt5-based scroll bars are now implemented
Still need to fix some performance problems before I can fully release it. I have updated my To Do List plugin as a demo.
Pictures from Twitter:
There’s no performance loss regardless of how many objects I have. I only update 10 sound objects per heartbeat, prioritized by resorting the queue based on distance to your camera. Each floodfill iteration/update only takes 0.00003 seconds as it’s also made with a queue(I only search one set of open adjacent cells from a parent cell every update, and push it to the queue if it’s found to be traversible)
Made it so if you have a “prop”, such as ice cream, you can hide it or interact with it. I just have to improve and work on the animations for it for some more.
I have just publicly announced test stage of “Rox Project” a blockchain platform developed right on Roblox
There were requests from some individuals to make Robux a cryptocoin. I do not think it is necessary, through cryptocurrency can be developed using Roblox. On the Internet you can even find a bitcoin miner written for fun in Roblox. Nobody uses CPUs for mining bitcoins anymore… but… mining is possible! So, I started such a project, too I call it “Blockchain for kids and adults who are not good at computers” because a part of the project will be an educational game. But, even though, this blockchain is made in gaming environment, “Rox Project” is real blockchain with its cryptocurrency called Rox, we can issue tokens in exchange for investments and there are plans for smart-contracts as well! Anyway… I can talk for hours about the project I am working on
Here you can read more:
There are a few inherent problems with a Roblox based cryptocurrency.
One of the big ones is that there is nothing in it for Developers, lots of teams are developing to feed themselves or live their lives. Rox doesn’t offer a -Crytpto to Spendable Common Money- option. Aside from that, due to the very nature of it, Roblox can’t turn a profit off of it, and by extension would lose money and suffer as a consequence in the proposed implementation method. Until both issues are resolved, adoption rate will be low to none. If you’d like to continue this discussion, feel free to reach out.
Recently added random moving trains to my showcase, where a random train passes every x amount of time! Coded by @Space_Baa
Rox doesn’t offer a -Crytpto to Spendable Common Money- option.
Of course it does, just like any cryptocurrency. Since we are just at the start, the market demand is to be developed still. The higher demand the prices are higher. If I myself will start buying Rox from those who mined it, the need will artificially rise, and fall to zero, when will stop spending money. So, I am hoping for the natural development of the demand. Remember how bitcoin started? A few companies started offering services for bitcoins, mainly hostings, later some physical goods were bought for bitcoins. Rox is no different to any other cryptocurrency. If Roblox cannot get some cut from Rox transfers, that is good, it makes Rox independent from the platform where it is being developed. And that is another point to the Project.
brb sleeping on keyboard
I’ve been working on the Blox soundtrack for a while now, here’s the first three songs so far:
They’re still work-in-progress, and there will be a couple more songs eventually, but this is how far I’ve got! It’s really hard emulating that C418 vibe
Feel free to make suggestions or give any feedback in general
Should I get back to making music? I miss my Impulse Tracker If I will ever get back to music production, it will be FL Studio.
Go ahead. It’ll be interesting if you made something right now.
I’m working on a short-story game (tried checking some vids on optimal OBS settings for low end devices and even that’s barely enough for my currrent PC specs… oof)
External Mediain the same vein as these others that I've compiled (if anyone's interested in checking them out)
Time Travel Adventures - Roblox
Tiki Island - Roblox
Overnight [Story] - Roblox
Camping 2 - Roblox
Camping - Roblox
Hotel Trip - Roblox
Field Trip - Roblox
AREA 51: RESCUE ✨ - Roblox
Working on a plugin that allows you to import images and sounds locally. Really useful if you’re using copyrighted/NSFW references for building or if you’re too poor be able to iterate on mutliple versions of a sound effect in studio.
Designing Riot shields/ballistic shields for policing as well as breaching rooms. Currently getting different designs with different angles of approach with round shields being made for smaller riot squads.
Left shield had been used with group USAF - Dellkiller123 group. Made With 2 parts:
Body: 873 polygons (This is due to the front is bevelled to fit a flash system)
Screen: 20 polygons, this is due to its being shaped to fit the screen placement
Right one is still in dev. Made with 3 parts:
Body: 472 polygons (Due to the shape of the shield)
Glass/plastic: 240 polygons (Due to Shape)
Handle: Handle is 100 polygons