What are you working on currently? (2019)

The first idea I had was to make a plugin for VSCode, I will not discard the idea maybe one day I will, but most use the editor of ROBLOX Studio including me, and it is more practical to preserve the lua lenguage, and there is already a compiler to rbx lua called roblox-ts, may interest you. Yes, there are pros and cons with this as what happens with Intellisense, so until it is not useful enough I will not release it. And, actually, the compilation process is simpler than it seems, it is done in real time, but only the lines that are edited, not the entire code, it uses match and find to check for “:” that is used when calling a method, or “.”, also gets the name of the method, if the name of the method is one of those that are injected, calls a function with the object and then does other things, the code that is executed looks like this:

for _, part in pairs(_e(workspace):GetDescendantsWhichAreA("BasePart")) do
	local corners = _e(part):GetCorners()

The function checks whether the object is an Instance of such a class, if it is not, simply executes the object’s method, if the method does not exist it will just cause an error.

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Spent a little bit of time tonight making my friends game from this

to this


Judging by the game or groups logo at the top, your going for a fairly simple ui screen, adding a drop shadow at least in my opinion contradicts the original goal.

by transparent text i mean this:

heres a crummy mockup i made on paint.net, ignore the res and the pixels in the middle, this is just a mockup.

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The shooting seems a bit stiff, have you tried using springs?

Aye, I have been trying to stay away from image label designs because I think my base GUI work is without them, but I will defiantly give it a try.




I like this view the best :grinning: the entire map is ~70% done


Made a small scene with some lighting effects to try and use the new grass feature.


Guess whos baaaccckkk! Been working on new models like usual but with a pretty “hot” twist…


A bit thick in the crosshairs, but superb animation and scope effect!

Thanks you very much. I loved halo 3 ODST so much. Thats also the reason I put so much detail in it I want to have the same feeling.


Trying out the new grass-feature! :smiley:


I’m Making a 2D Zombie Game to my Group!

i just made a Tutorial (1 level)
and also the Lobby!


Got the new terrain grass decoration to work with the triangle terrain system I’m developing!

I was already planning on auto generating grass/decoration on my custom terrain. The biggest hurdle will probably be making it so objects can efficiently obstruct grass in real time without needing to put a different material (extra geometry) underneath. Cutting out triangles in real time to allow for basements would be ideal, but that might take too much development time.

My terrain/water uses custom replication and is rendered locally, meaning grass will only be generated nearby (locally) to get the effect. The game does the same thing to achieve extremely deep/expansive oceans/lava pools with custom physics and custom graphics without adding megabytes to my save file. I’ve been working on this system for months and was initially quite worried when I saw the post (I had decided to abandon smooth terrain), but I think I like the hybrid aesthetic:


The new grass is amazing! :smile:


Wait, is there such thing as BasePart:GetCorners() on Roblox?


Clouds! They are generated with noise and have unique characteristics such as height, size and cluster formations. They also use body-tracking to appear realistic and fade away when travelling close enough.


Sorry for another grass post, but I wanted to see how ours existing grass would look combined with roblox’s grass and a close enough color.

Hoping it looks somewhat seamless and doesn’t stick out like a soar thumb but I think it’s working out pretty well!

If roblox ends up adding support for wind control , entity interactions and base (color/size) + variance we’ll probably remove ours all together.

Some cool night screenshots too


I literally had a project just like this years ago! Same concept, the train stays still while the world moves around it. The part I struggled on was I wanted the train carts to “wiggle” and at the time I had a loose understanding of Roblox replication and that it would be better to just handle it locally on the client, haha.

Keep it up!

So one of the main issues players have in a game i work on is that, they don’t know how an enemy player got them or even if there is any enemies by them because they can’t be seen on the screen. And that’s mostly because the enemy came up from behind you…

A solution I am working on implementing is having a radar that tells you which direction are enemies within your proximity, where it’ll display an arrow pointing at said enemies.

This is a quick prototype i whipped up, where the arrow points at the brick.
