Some Madness District soundtrack, along with a “render” (quotation marks because it’s actually a roblox studio character screenshot that’s been edited) and a new logo (an edited version of it is on the “render” below.
The uniforms the so called “Germans” are wearing are both second world war British uniforms.
I started a new project I call “My Museum”. I always used free models but now I will start making my own ones! I plan on adding more soon.
I’m aware.
Uniforms/names are both placeholders.
I’m developing a bootleg version of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 5, unofficially dubbed as “Trash Game,” officially dubbed as “Bloxsona 5.” I’m working on finishing and polishing the battle system, finish the menu, then working on the main story and game. Everything’s going smoothly, that of which I don’t like at all, since when everything goes smoothly, that is the calm before the storm.
I’ve been working on it for a length just shy of 9 months. I’ve been procrastinating on it because the workload is so ginormous since I’m the only developer and I’m broke so I can’t hire anyone. Recently, I just bit the bullet and hauled it, and now I jumped from about 30 out of 96 effects done to 64 out of 96 over the span of three days. I don’t sleep.
I’ve just learned how to UV map a basic cube and give it a texture in Cinema 4D. This was part of learning how to do it, so of course I colored the sides instead of putting actual textures. I’m so proud. The good thing is that, texturing is so easy!
The unwrapped UV texture (making a texture is as easy as painting on unfolded sides of an object, which is the fun part!)
You’re not ‘really’ good at building? You’re joking, that’s amazing.
Really, only thing I could see adding is maybe windows as said in the first reply, and maybe some effects, it’s up to you.
I figured out the math for making some cards wrap into a hand. It’s so much better than no rotation.
Old Version:
New Version:
What is Vector art? Want to know. An trx.
Well, so far in 2020, I’ve created a logo of my avatar, currently, I’m working on a few different projects, but I’ve got a few projects planned, which I’m hoping to be releasing soon.
Vectors act like images, but render differently and aren’t rastered. Images are rastered, meaning that their quality can be heavily degraded if scaled up. Vectors are scalable at all times without losing quality, and are rendered instead by a rendering engine that supports scalable vector graphics (.svg files).
Vectors are especially important for icons and stuff. Inkscape is the absolute best freeware vector design program, and many have used it for icons, projects, and business, and more.
Another cool thing about vectors is that you can easily export them as .PNG files (if you have Inkscape or any other image editor different from MS Paint), and even at higher scales, by just resizing vectors!
This is a vector icon that I have been using to create one of my Roblox plugins at the moment, and it’s going to turn out nicely (hopefully).
To prove my point of them not losing quality, go right-click the image above, maybe open it in a new tab. Zoom in to maybe 500%, and you can see the difference already! It has not lost quality, even when upscaled so high!
Also the system used for SVG files, they are created out of paths, lines, strokes, fill colors, stroke weights, stroke styles, and more.
If you are interested in seeing the same concept, this used to be uncopylocked.
Just practicing terrain to prepare for my upcoming game that I will start on most likely next month.
It’s very early in development, but I’m trying to one-up my Replace Texture plugin.
All the classes, all the properties. I tried working on sorting them into Collapsible Titled Sections with Roblox’s Studio Widgets, but they are a headache to work with. Might be best to make my own system.