how do you make those springs? I’ve tried to make them before but they never end up looking that good, very nice models btw
What are you going to be using it for?
There’s no planned use. I just made a standalone song, that’s it. I’m glad you liked it though.
How did you made that? Are those normal Particles?
it looks like a beam or its a LineHandleAdornment
Screw modifier with bezier curve
Ah ok, thanks. I was trying to extrude them and rotate lol
Just trails + depth of field(:
Le epic thing
Also happy birthday markiplier
I finished the assault rifles for the release of my game!!! There are not many because i plan to have alot more smgs and other weapons and also because im planning to have alot of new guns for updates to keep people playing.
last 2 i havent imported to roblox yet
Getting everything ready for the center of the arena, made a model for it and a random tool generator.
Swaying trees.
Currently working on the Apollo lunar module ascent stage interior. Switches currently work, some have function when thrown, others do not.
Side panels still need to be finished, same with various instruments.
Landing Point Designator:
Data Entry and Display Assembly:
(to be scripted)

PGNCS with Apollo guidance computer scripting:
Functional Cross-Pointer:

simple FDAI with simple IMU script:

Three songs today.
The first one kinda gave me Celeste vibes for some reason and the third one sounded straight out of a gameboy game lol good stuff bruh can’t wait to see what you make next (:
Oh my god thank you! You may have just made my day ;-; ₓ 。 𐐪₍ᐢ. ̫ .⑅ᐢ₎𐑂↝
Your music is also amazing and I also can’t wait to see what you make next T~T
Right now making a replica of the LCS-1 I think 2/3 the size of the orginal one not sure. Using a combination of parts and mesh.
Progress after 1 day.
will it be paid or for free? its looking really cool btw!