What are you working on currently? (2020)

It’s incredible how people can do this type of modeling. Good work! :+1:

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Little project i’ve been working on for around 4-5 days so far.


I’ve been making a building game for 4 or 5 days now. I spent several hours today making the terrain generator and making the objects save into a table.


I have been working on Gfx and thumbnails heres a sample I made.

Work in progress on my Space Shuttle with its launch system! Will be used for a space project very soon :eyes::eyes: :rocket:

More images can be found here


Mars with FM rover and some kool lighting,

What you guys think and what should I improve xd


anyways, the models look amazing, keep up the good work!

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Looks like a remodelled version of Natural Disaster Survival’s rocket! Cool!

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Still working on my first game - Yeah, it is obby :slight_smile: but little different than others.


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Yea… It’s a space shuttle lol (it’s real)


This showcase is really good, nice work!

You should reduce the walk speed from the default 16 though, running through it ruins the beautiful atmosphere


might wanna watch out with the background music, lol

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Ooh that looks really interesting… Keep it up!

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Working on a massively scalable terrain editor. It stores binary mesh data in StringValues and only loads nearby data, which prevents detailed maps from lagging in studio.

I still need to design a custom selection system and tools for material painting and editing geometry. The hardest part was making it so a triangle/quad can reference vertices defined in other chunks:

Because the geometry is so low-poly, I plan to add a lot of triangle-specific details that load locally when you’re nearby. Right now it does colored grass and a few other random details:

Because each triangle costs 2 WedgeParts, I’m doing a ridiculous optimization that uses custom mesh processing/raycasting (when I compile) to detect if concave triangles can be expressed as other shapes without clipping. It uses an efficient spatial data structure so it doesn’t take more than a few seconds on huge maps:

Smooth terrain works great for small maps, but I think this is worth the low-poly look:
Multiple grass colors, ultra-deep expansive oceans, custom water fog distance, seamless coasts, great performance, and a small save file.

This is going to work with a similarly designed object system. I’ve done stress tests with 1M+ instanced objects evenly distributed across the world and it performed better than expected.

Object positions are also stored relative to chunks, so they don’t have floating point precision problems far from the origin. I will need to utilize custom build tools and “shift” the origin when developing for this to be fully practical. Applying origin shifting in-game would make it near impossible to use default physics streaming though. My game streams locally-created character positions manually so I wouldn’t have any problems with that, but I might want to add vehicles or debris in the future. Game servers also wouldn’t be able to benefit from this… unless I could somehow simulate multiple server game states that are treated like clients and have physics jobs delegated to them.

Anyways, my goal is to make the tools easily usable and massively scalable, so I can eventually hire a team of environment artists who can add a massive amount of content and have everything perform great both in-game, and in-studio.


I’ve been working on my newest Wipeout game, it will feature obstacles used in the actual show. To add variety, it will also randomize every 15 minutes with a selection of over 60+ obstacles. The game is not yet done, but here are some of the obstacles I have built.


I’m currently working on Chilling Game with Realistic Graphic and some Terrain , It is not Vibe Game but chilling Game where you can Chill in Roblox and Relax.

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I’m making a menu GUI for a game I’m developing on. I’m just a beginner, so don’t expect it to be perfect.

Menu button


Shop Menu






The bundles menu is still being worked on, that’s why I didn’t show it yet.


The alpha playtest has begun on Hunter Games: Last Survivor!

The game is a 50 player battle in an arena that constantly changes every round, making some unpredictable results.

I also remade the 2013 UI and sounds for nostalgia purposes.

The game will be open for a few hours, good luck on the arena survivors!
EDIT: The playtest was completed, thanks for the people who participated




i design every once in a while hhhhuh?