Right now I’m making a space game where you can build rockets and more.
And they said maths were boring…
Were your graphics level at max? If so, then it could be possible to visually increase the number of trails with a texture, but not with more trails.
@FrazedGreatness2 What’s the benefit of using FindFirstDescendantOfClass over the default function FindFirstChildWhichIsA with a truthy recursive argument?
Also, in the TeleportTo function it is not necessary to manually check the class name. IsA"BasePart" already returns true for all types of parts (including TrussPart, WedgePart and others not listed in the conditional statement)
If you keep working hard it will surely become a useful plugin!
I know I am just making random ones that do not exist
It is not a plugin just module script
I’m currently working on a beach world for a retro-styled game.
@Spagetti_07 I took a look at it, obviously my phone isn’t going to have it scaled to the entire screen, pretty sure my phone is 5.65in (thought it was 5.9in) (my phone has a 720x1440 display, could technically bump it up to 1080x2160) and it doesn’t feel too bad with my thumbs. Though I don’t fully know as I don’t have the text mapped to any Artboards yet in Figma.
Started building the underground cellar.
Twitter: @Crazedbrick1
Portfolio: Crazed | Mid Poly Builder
Place Link: Mellow Abode [RAR]
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Trying to figure out how to use Parts to render things in a danmaku shmup.
Ideally, it would look somewhat similar to this, but I’m not sure how to achieve that.
Been improving on visual effects for VH3!
Motion lines & exaggerated death effect (character stutters in place and striking red lines pierce them):
Character damage effects like being slashed, burnt or hit with blunt force.
Also been working on a new customisation menu!
Almost finishing this roulette table and spinner! Gonna add the support below the table.
@Crazedbrick1 I did it…
I haven’t animated viewmodel animations in a long time. Here’s a full set of animations that I’ll use for the Deagle.
I like that is pixelated, but the head is like in the body.
Finally finishing this roulette table for my upcoming Bloxwood Casino! showcase place!
Also, made these little potato chip that you would like to eat!
NEXT UP: Gambling Table.
I’m working on an emote game that recreates emotes from Fortnite and Team Fortress 2.
My first successful 3D model shotgun i made. Also second 3D model shotgun ever. Its a low poly Ithaca M37. Wish i knew how to texture it with materials instead of putting colors on it but im still quite happy with the results.

Edit: Heres the topic i made about this if you wanna check it out. My first successful 3D Model Shotgun feedback!
Is this all Roblox studio unions or did you use meshes?
No way. Some of the people in extraordinary are making a living from Roblox. I don’t deserve it.
Let me win a Bloxy first.