lol is that part of the library? the textures look amazing! reflections too!
I am currently working on making my animation better. I am currently working on a movie/tv youtube show production.
Pretty cool, isn’t it from Dragon Ball Z?
Xbox has their own guidelines that required and applied to every game on the platform.
For Roblox games, you may read this webpage.
It’s funny, I was working on that game months before Islands ever released. And since I was solo-deving it the whole time, I released it months after Islands, and my game became downvoted to hell by the Islands community.
Not really a good idea. Who would pay robux to make one image disappear? Roblox used to have AdService, where you could get bobux from showing ads, but these “ads” are just “Join group” and stuff. Pointless and not really a good idea. This is just my opinion.
Oh well now I fell bad for you and your game.
The past 3 weeks I decided to try something new. I decided to experiment with some level + gameplay design to get out of my comfort zone a bit. Pretty happy with the results. Decided to make a buffed “remix” version of a game I made a while ago
Well folks, this is my first time building a restaurant in low-poly.
Please tell me what do you think! I’ll appreciate it.
Yes, this is my first time in low-poly since I mainly focused on mid-poly. So, looks like I’m going into low poly!
That is amazing its like mixing mad city and New York i like that its realstic and has lot of buildings.
Keep up the good work.
Almost done with this roulette table and spinner with a few details.

He’ll stare at your soul when you sleep at night…
Thanks for your opinion! We’ve actually had this implemented for a few months now and I’ve sold numerous ads now.
Visualising the the Lorenz attractor.
extra info
It’s created with around 400 individual trails, as this was about as many as I could get to be displayed, as any more would cause far away ones to disappear. If anybody knows the maximum number of possible visible trails or a way around this limit, please contact me!
game link: Mathematical Attractors - Roblox
Literal eye candy. You did a really great job with this!
Add a small top hat please.