What are you working on currently? (2021)

At least it looks good!


I could see why, given that it would be rather difficult to implement code wise. I recommend going for something simpler programming-wise and keep that in the back-burner until you think you are ready to make the code necessary for such a thing.

With that said, I’ll give some advice on how you could code this to fit your needs, if you are interested in doing this yourself. based on what I see, it seems like you are coding something like Miner’s Haven, where there are drops that go on a series conveyors to reach the furnaces to allow the player to get money from the ores that go into it.

The easiest thing you could code would be making the droppers drop your ores, so I recommend tackling that first. It will involve learning about loops, the wait function, and functions and properties of the Part instance that your Ores will most likely be (I recommend making a reference for an ore, anchor it, and place it in a Folder, called “Ores”, under ReplicatedStorage to make it much easier (and maintainable) to code.)

Regardless, the models look amazing and I hope to see your project gets completed one day.

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OMG that’s so cool. How did u do the lighting tho?

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It’s future lighting technology, A bit of it is glitchy and I have to work on it, as it causes huge lag spikes, FPS drops and performance issues, but I’ll try my best to fix it!

It’s pretty much resources and practice.

Portfolio: THULiCORE's portfolio


This is my first building that i did just yesterday. i think it took like 2 or 3 days to finish this:


make the shadows litlle more darker and sharper shadows:D

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Experimenting with a new rig for a gfx i’m making


I don’t see the problem with that

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Question: How did you make the candlelight as using the default fire particle produces this monstrosity:


I used a custom particle emitter for those candle flames.


Finished the posing! What do you think?


lol it doesn;t look like he;s actually holding a gun. and make the arms more up wards. the leg posing makes it look like he’s flying, and the glasses make him look like a 4 year old. the lighting isn’t great on that too ;-;


I’m unable to provide a link, but you can look up “candle” in the toolbox and you should find the same flame there.


Thats just a random clear sky hdri, so don’t worry lol, he’s not superman its cus there is no floor.

Also this is just the posing stage, there is no lighting at the moment so it looks terrible rn.

Also is the pose better now? Cus to me it looks pretty much the same as u hold a gun irl.

Also what’s wrong with the glasses? do they need to be bigger?

Also why am i saying also so much?


Thy don’t really blend in. Clockworks would be better, seems like a secret agent type thing.

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Yeah it’s supposed to be, I’ll make sure to find better ones!

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the glasses just look like ‘party glasses’ u kno?

irl the palms would be more close together, kinda squishing the gun. it looks unreal rn cuz of that. the hands are locking together without the palms touching so it looks weird. make the palms touch

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Yesterday I started working on terrain but the progress was nearly nothing.
Today I thought of well
work on the houses again
I decided to remove all the bricks and the pebbles on the houses and that reduced the part count from 4.7k to 2.6k.
And then I worked on some of the houses.

Meet the not so enchanted trio (again again)