I’m currently working on creating GFX’s
A bit of update for the train, you can go and test it here: Jujutsu Train - Roblox
I’m not really done yet with the buildings on the background and I might also change the lighting.
I noticed that u use the seaking, sadly the belgian navy doesn’t use this anymore, u should try to find a NH-90 to replace the seaking, but the rest is awsome! Maybe i can help?
Love your style, cartoony and extremely neat, looks like you’ve put great effort put into your work too.
Keep it up
Currently I’m working on a 2D Platformer styled game with unique features such as characters with their special abiliities, various multiplayer gamemodes and singleplayer levels. I hope that some people will enjoy the game, because it’s the first big project I’m working on
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My new beams
You made the things surrounding the manhole slate. Be sure to fix that.
What do you mean exactly? I did not understand you very well
I’m pretty sure he meant this right here, unless it was intended to be slate.
Great build btw.
I think it refers to the other sewer in the other image, but anyway, I designed it like this, I am not going to change it for now
and thanks
Let me guess…
A cone model duplicated an obscene amount of times and had the transparency set very low?
Yes. Though i used a single meshpart. How did you know?