Hey I have a question? How do you get those models? Did you created them out of parts? Did you make them using an app like Blender? Are they free models on Roblox? Me and my friends were wondering? You make so many cool builds in such a short time or maybe me and my friends are just to slow. You are very talented and have so much skill. Do you have people to help you? Btw I am the same age as you.
I will gladly answer your questions,
They cannot be obtained anywhere since they are solely my property, in short, I created it
Yes, the majority
I don’t use it much
Are you kidding? Of course and absolutely not, I already went through that stage years ago
I have always worked as a solo builder, I have done many large constructions without help and this is one of them, very proud of that
TIP: I recommend that you and your friends manage your time daily in order to build and
Doing things in real life, it will help you a lot, it is also a matter of practice, I have been doing constructions for years that is why I am telling you
Newest gfx with a few of my homies that i play bedwars with : D
Not the best quality wise but I honestly just made this for them and for fun!
I love this so much! Not enough games have swords nowadays.
Shiny and realistic.
Portfolio: https://thulicore.artstation.com/
Comms are WIDE OPEN, pm on Devforum, or discord = THULiCORE88X#0283
Wow … I absolutely love your GFX! Much better than mine tbh
amen. I’m a developer for a story type game too.
Yeah I fixed the ui positions, and I also indeed have a very nice Winstreek. Very large number.
Your GFX looks pretty good. You might wanna re-upload with a different filename though, since the one you put might be considered ableist. Try to not use that r-word in a derogatory way, both on the DevForum and everywhere else.
Oh right ty love messing with my friends haha
My first GFX group logo!
Thanks for the help. I will be sure to tell my friends this.
because why not?
LocalScript in StarterCharacter
local char = script.Parent
local hum:Humanoid = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local pp = char:FindFirstChild("LowerTorso") or char:FindFirstChild("Torso")
local parts = {{Part = pp, Actuator = nil, A0 = nil, A1 = nil}}
local n = 15
for i = 1,n do
local lp:Part = parts[i-1] and parts[i-1].Part
local p:Part = parts[i] and parts[i].Part
if (not p) then
p = Instance.new("Part",pp)
p.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
p.Name = "P"..i
p.CanCollide = false
p.Size = Vector3.new(.5,.5,.7)*.8
p.CFrame = pp.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,0,-i*p.Size.Z)
p.Massless = true
local a
local a0 = p:FindFirstChild("Attachment") or Instance.new("Attachment",p)
a0.Name = "A0"
a0.Position = Vector3.new(0,0,p.Size.Z/4)
local a1 = p:FindFirstChild("Attachment") or Instance.new("Attachment",p)
a1.Name = "A1"
a1.Position = Vector3.new(0,0,p.Size.Z/-4)
if (a1.Parent == pp) then
a1.Orientation = Vector3.new(0,180,180)
a1.Position = Vector3.new(0,-0.25,p.Size.Z/2)
if (lp) then
a = Instance.new("HingeConstraint",p)
a.Name = "Actuator"
a.ActuatorType = Enum.ActuatorType.Servo
a.ServoMaxTorque = (p:GetMass() + (lp and lp:GetMass() or 0))*math.huge
a.AngularSpeed = .1
a.TargetAngle = 5
a.LimitsEnabled = true
a.LowerAngle = -15
a.UpperAngle = 15
a.Restitution = 100
a.Attachment0 = lp.A1
a.Attachment1 = a0
if (parts[i]) then
parts[i] = {
Part = p,
Actuator = a,
A0 = a0,
A1 = a1
table.insert(parts,{Part = p, Actuator = a, A0 = a0, A1 = a1})
function reverse(t)
for i = #t,1,-1 do
i = math.abs(i)
t[i-#t] = i
return t
while true do
local r = math.clamp((pp.Velocity.Magnitude),-15,15)*-1
local reverse = parts-- reverse(parts)
for i,p in pairs(reverse) do
if (p.Actuator and math.random(2) == 1) then
p.Actuator.TargetAngle = r + (math.random(-30,30)/100)