Yes. As stated in my post, Minecraft uses wormholes and other algorithms. It’s a very rudimentary resource but a great example of noise for new learners.
this post needs enough chars
I made a really basic angel. (just for some fun) Practicing 3D modelling as usual
its super basic. I like making basic stuff.
I made this really basic game called zapping simulator.
here’s the link

New updates every week.
be sure to check it out!
I am so proud of it… 8-10 Hours of work are nearly done! (And yes, i know that there is no door. I will add it later) (This is my second build btw!)
back w very good progress on my side project
finished dair, which means all unarmed aerials and regular light attacks done (nlight, slight, dlight, nair, sair, dair) [ heavy attacks next ]
made nair look way better, connecting a hit now moves your player in the direction of each kick
made dummy physics very smooth
landing a hit now moves the player in the right position and keeps them there very smoothly now (was jarred before)
- going to enable people to do some NASTY combos
hitting someone while they’re ragdolled now works correctly, it unragdolls them and brings them back to regular stun (again for combos)
made everything in general look cleaner, prolly forgot to list some stuff i did here but whatever
video (excuse me being trash and missing everything @ the end):
also rn knockback values are just demo values to see how it goes w everything else theyre not adjusted at all yet
When this game will release and I would like to join your team for building.
Heyy those look pretty good!!!
It looks so cool! And it is soooo smooth.
*sigh* time to start wavedashing
But seriously, the wallbounce looks sick. Can you tech off of walls?
experimenting with fluid simulations !
improved the water sim