What are you working on currently? (2021)

I’m currently working on a demon slayer game, but I just started working so I don’t really have screenshots of it.

Just a suggestion, if you select 2 of the parrel opposite facing edges of the x in edit mode you can fill the gap by pressing ‘f’ (sorry if the wording is confusing.)

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huge optimizations discovered again! I got busy with life but anyways I found time to come back to this project and added

  • proper projection
  • a tool that can convert an image to a Lua array for sampling colors (previous one was a string that only supported 100x100, no hd/player textures. this can go hd)
  • backface culling
  • very basic clipping (look closely when i move it just culls if all verts are outside the frustum)

and most importantly, matrix transformations! I originally had created a mat4x4 tool for this but i found it really slow (20fps) and instead used roblox cframes instead and I seem to be able to get 60fps, pretty cool since it is also only one thread. though this is embarrasingly parrallel and those lag spikes are cause of 2 factors, 1. clipping/going through each triangle is meant to be done on parrallel on the gpu and 2. rasterization can be parrallelized atleast im my implementation by splitting the for loop up into work items.


where do you get your pbr textures?

Weapon customization system work in progress


I finished the first model that was entirely scripted and built by me, pretty happy rn(new to scripting)

its just a door that’s powered by 2 generators and a button


Over kill! This is Awesome dude, I Cant believe stuff like this in Roblox! Pretty sure you can go a long way with this system

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yeah I used blender the version I have is v2.79 which isn’t the latest.

amma just left this here for y’all


Stealth based gamemode like payday where you bassically just get to somewhere, do what you have to do i.e destroy the evidence room, break into the vault ect. After that, base building team based game where you must mine out resources to build weaponry, sentries, miners, vehicles and armor to defend your core and destroy the enemy core.

Don’t take more than 5 hours and 18 minutes making this….

(Looks good, good job)

Logo by me! Building up my skill’s on making simple logos like this


I like it, the mix of fantasy and realism has always been my top favorite.

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maintenance truck


A nice building that does nothing


back to it :slight_smile:


The flawless light pole in the middle of the broken down and overgrown terrain doesn’t really fit in. I’d suggest rusting the pole.


I have refurbished a recent showcase of mine!
Link: Restaurant {SHOWCASE} - Roblox



SUV and Humvee combined, I guess… (Ignore the fact that some parts are sticking out)


Lava tile

i bet you have no idea what im building hehehehehe im so mysterious…