What are you working on currently? (2021)

Thank you for the kind words my friend! Believe it or not, Tron: Legacy is actually my main source of inspiration! Here is a post about it if you are interested. :smiley:

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I actually really like this, good job! :slight_smile:


Stadium commission 1/3 for @ShikikanBootan and ROFA.
The progress you are seeing took about 2 hours, the locker rooms, roof, and exterior are yet to be built.


An update of WhimOS (“OS” Simulator, CN: Whimtone 2021):

You can probably tell, animations are not present in some guis, but can be seen with the start menu. I am still working on that.

Here are some other screenshots:
Update Screen:

This will only show when the “OS” updates, but this might not make it into the build.

Notifications (settings will soon be under the text! thats why it is empty):

Inspired by Windows 10 and 8, but uses notifications. That red line at the end of the taskbar will open this gui.

Update Warning:

This will show whenever your Automatic Update setting is disabled. This may or may not make it into the OS simulator depending on how well it can go, and if I can figure out how to accomplish “non automatic” mode.

Overview of the new start menu:

This will function like your normal OS start menu, but it will have a list of information at the side about the current OS version. As you can probably see, this OS is heavily inspired by the Windows set of OS and Linux distros like Ubuntu and Linux Lite.

All the icons you see here are Roblox emojis as placeholders, and will be drawn a new icon in the future.

Current file extensions:

  1. “.pgm” - this is an executable program (so like .exe)
  2. “.fldr” - folder file

Also working on new lighting for BattleGon (different skybox and settings), it looks fantastic!:


its decals c: but yes dey hav outlines


new showcase im working on (30% finished)


The OS is looking great. It would make a great framework to build a hacking game on top of. Something like Uplink, but multiplayer.

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Nice! I don’t know how long it took you to script but I like.

Here’s the new Player Profiles UI for Roverse! The game is inspired by habbo, discord, instagram, and twitter!


Smoke grenade vfx


I’m working on a DOOM kind of game called ‘Demons To The Atomic Scale’. No pictures since I haven’t even started map making.

Thanks my dude! I may implement a version of it in my game The Coast, but those two were made for a client.

Made a render engine that uses math and projections instead of rays!


i literally wrote that to run in the console command bar in-game bcuz I was bored, so not long at all lol

I’m working on Guernorga


Experimenting with different modeling and VFX skills, hopefully I can make an interesting project in the future.

Made a manual obby regeneration button!

Game link: SinglePlayer Mode - Roblox


Thanks! It’s old though, haha.

Currently finishing up on my Shaft Showcase. All made with Studio Parts.

Critique is appreciated.


This was the final results for my crosshair stuff on ranged skills, thanks Roblox for providing the spring service module