What are you working on currently? (2021)

No 3090 logo 0/10

Jokes aside. I like the build. Keep it up.

Looks clean! Is that an autocombo or more complex?

Im working on a island game, its inspired off of dollhouse roleplay


Just completed a custom proximity prompt for my upcoming game!


I just wanted to do something different rather than developing a game, I decided to make a working Apple IIc clone:


[Edit] I finished the monitor:

Last part: Scripting the computer!


A project I’ve been working on for some time! This is a Japanese “Yari”, a spear with an unconventional “Jumonji” spearhead resembling a trident. Like the Katana and most other bladed Japanese weapons, it is part of a group of traditional Japanese weapons known as “Nihonto”.

Most Yaris usually don’t have a prominent Hamon temper line, but I decided to model one in for fun! Also because some yari spearheads were forged in the same way Japanese katanas were.

Here’s a close-up on the hamon pattern:


I love this.

Now make one of those demons with that animation.

And the rest of Week 4 while your at it.

Just kidding, but this is cool. Nice work lol.

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Too many lights, use Triangle Treatment to fix it!

What do you mean by triangle treatment?

Enlighten me master builder.

I finished up my first game, Arcade Life. If you wanna check it out, you can find it here

In other news, I’m still working on a new project based around a procedurally generated world.

Got a basic camera set up to allow for free traversal of the map. Working on implementing a way to track the edges of chunks and allow the player to unlock new areas of the map. After that, it’ll be time to add some basic structures and allow the player to actually build on the world.


Looks great!
You should add numbers and buttons to the keys to make it more realistic. 9/10

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Single M1s per hit :slight_smile: with animation blending for all anims being playing on the humanoid with priority management to distribute weight rolls for each track

Roblox default animate script has a bare bones example of the blending.

That’s why the animations look so smoothly keyframe mapped :slight_smile:

Heres m1 + m2 x2 chain that is followed by required dash attempt


Damn, you did a really great job with that! Do you have a server or any way for me to keep updated on the progress cuz I would definitely play that.


There’s a group link on my portfolio Hook Studio, where u can find the community link. Although its not an official title expected for release due to lack of environment assets to complete. I do sneak progress of the system there.

Much love for the appreciation! I spent a lot of time cleaning up nitty gritty details that through this movement off even the slightest haha. Still working on more changes :slight_smile:

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My friend @PandaPixelator Has just started making clothing. He doesn’t have an dev forum account but wanted an expert opinion so I posted this here so I can know what y’all think.

Striped Dinner Jacket Striped Dinner Jacket Gold

You can find his item’s at this link LeCourt Couture - Roblox


Looks good, Although I’m seeing noticeable seems on the first one on the inside


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added stat trackers in the top right of the loading screen

going pretty well rn


Starting to get better at modelling so I tried to recreate my gaming PC with beginner skills. (1963 tris because I really like the bevel tool)



Nice model. You should add more points and details.


It uses atmosphere, FogEnd didnt bring out the foggyness that I wanted XD