What are you working on currently? (2021)

im working on this thing, i dont think im going to finish it mainly because i dont have a scripter or motivation, but its fun to do it


Why not? Those big guys provided a large space for storage along the keel. Depending on the available lift, they could carry up to several metric tons of freight!



Some airships were even used as airborne aircraft carriers, and transported a few airplanes inside them.

@EpicTradings Who in the world would start a car’s engine while immobilized inside an airship? :laughing: Well, we just tried that on a hydrogen airship! And it didn’t go well :cold_sweat:


I’m currently working on a “Future City” type build, I don’t intend for it to get anywhere when it’s released, as it’s only a side project.

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you should send this to @badimo lol its really good

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a that piont i dont think you need to make it any better :exploding_head:

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Wow, I love the interior lighting, and the lighting for the build in general. Nice job!

This is literally better than Jailbreak’s UI. Really nice job!

Oops. Didn’t realize it was transportation.

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I am relatively new to blender but I think I am making good progress. This is going to become an old-fashioned hockey goalie mask.


Doing my first commissions! Still working on scripting, and thinking about a game I want to start

Roblox is becoming crazy, looking at some of these builds just blows my mind!


After the huge failure that was my last game (I spent all 4 THOUSAND of my robux on sponsors and got 100 in return :frowning:), I’ve decided to take my group, SwiftStorm Studios, in a totally different direction.
I hate round based games, and have learned so much in the past 3 years. I’ve decided that I’m making a realistic hurricane simulation. I already have some of the mechanics working, so look out for a late 2021 release!


Also, hush. I’ve made about 1200 robux in my ENTIRE LIFE from games, and recently bought 10K with all the money I have saved up. :frowning:

The discord call in the background had me laughing for some reason.

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Working on a dark home page design. The white version is ready


A new update for my plugin is here the release version is coming soon a few features missing


So this is the new update


When you get so bored in class you make 200 part tables.

After a little break, I decided to start working on a kitchen build as a sort of sequel to my bedroom. image


Nice job on the kitchen it looks really nice

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Alright so, I made a lighthouse, which I plan on using for a small “town” or “city” that I’ll probably be working on towards Summer, or during Fall. (Or once I’m done with the other stuff that I’m working on…)

One is no materials and one is with materials.

No materials:


I’m still deciding which one will seem better to use. I do plan on adding extra details to it, depending on which one I’m planning on using.

But in your opinion, which one do you think is better?

Which light house do you like
  • The one with no materials
  • The one with materials.

0 voters

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The No materials one looks better with the light coming out of it

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