I knew you were able to change the properties of parts, decals, meshes etc. But I had no idea you could tinker around with lighting properties! Thank you so much.
Just a small Vending Machine
Edit: I think it works now?
Wow that worked totally splendid, first time i ever messaged something lol
New update to my core game I improved it still not great but getting there
What Should I Improve? by the way the game is uncopylocked
Topic: Feedback on my Core Game Update[Uncopylocked]
Game: Broken's Power Core - Roblox
Tried to use Inkscape to create an icon of my gaming mouse that I have.
Here’s some images in different sizes and an outline view as wel.
goater-man more like wendigo
A Victorian home currently.
You can come see some of my progress here in the game
I also need a better name, suggestions would be appreciated.
Yeaaaa, I heard about it later down the line. Thx tho
Nice this is a really good build you’re a great builder I love builds that are great you should make it a showcase
I made this short game, not much, I was just bored
Game: The Cottage Loop - Roblox
Also I was making the video on a laptop- sorry for the bad quality
Too. Much. Math. Now I have a magik function that makes lines and shapes for me. Definitely didn’t spend an hour trying to get the circle formula to work
Video of sin function being graphed ^
Did some more fun Sci-Fi sound design. Spent like 30 minutes on this thing. It was a bunch of fun
anyways enjoy
I made a hot air balloon. Okay, yeah, its a ball with a basket hanging off it , but still…
You can ride it here:
game link
It only goes up right now though (it explodes then regenerates).
It doesn’t look like much, but this is the furthest I’ve ever gone so far into developing a game.
(It’s classic styled, so it has studs you cannot see from this screenshot)
All of it done as a solo developer, with all scripting, animating and building done by me.
Under that island you can see, there is an underground bunker where you select perks and characters.
All connected by a fully functional elevator.
2 maps have been made, each fully functional and shown on the rock islands.
My most feature build is a cable car system to a tower that is where you go to join a game, and a built-from-scratch music system so that in different regions, different music is played.
There has been a lot of progress done, but there is a lot that must be completed.
Making a 2-D game test. some bugs will remain!
Some bugs remaining here:
Still 3-D without a 2-D script.
Out of boundaries when even walking to the end of the invisible floor.
Bad collisions on objects. (might count as a bug fail)
Player able to see inside hidden rooms. (counts as a second bug fail)
Player softlock when about to clear the level when there is a obstacle or enemy attacking you by the end of that level (it’s gonna be fixed soon)
(Btw this is what i will work on right now so don’t warn me)