I’m working on a form of age rating guidelines based on the ESRB and PEGI. The purpose of this is for a way to inform players what they will be experiencing in games, or “experiences” as Roblox likes to put it.
I don’t know what DevForum you’ve been on but on this one here you don’t make replies just to insult someone.
At most just use the flag option, but to me it looks like an actual creation, not spam.
Not everyone has to create extremely realistic showcases, people can post whatever creations they want here.
This is really funny and cool.
Did you build the house in this animation?
That’s actually not the case, if you looked at one of his post that photo actually has over 60 light objects in one area. That’s a somewhat realistic lighting scene.
I think those are excellent!l I really like the nod to the RNLI and the Seaking. And the pile of dead noobs, they’re great.
Is the one with the pile of noobs for sharkblox?
I found this very funny, and I even laughed out loud at some parts! I saw that there was some depth of field effects during the whole animation, just a small question, are you able to animate depth of field through moon animator? Keep up the good work
I’m currently working on Arcade Island 3, shipping this summer! Here are some photos of the game so far:
It’s not just a single light
its 65 lights, the big light you see in game and a 8x8 grid that you can barely see on top of it
if you open up the microprofiler you’ll also see this as a stat displayed
Currently working on a core game that people can use if they want to make one without having to script their own here is the topic: Feedback on my Core Game Update[Uncopylocked]
The game is: Broken's Power Core - Roblox
Notes: The screenshots are a little out dated
I had only minimal experience in studio until recently, I had spent most of my time just using it to mess about with free models and the Load Character plugin. I’ve since learnt how to use the terrain tools somewhat and played about with the lighting to make this.
You can’t really do anything it apart from sit down in a few places now I’ve worked out how to add a seat (hooray!) But I expect it’s a good a start as any. If you have a second, Please do check it out and give me some feedback, especially around whether you feel I’ve captured that late afternoon into evening vibe.
Super Saiyan 4
I still see no difference between one light source and 65 light sources.
Thank you! Yes I did in fact build the house. I even made a video on the changes the house went through to how it looks in the animation.
Moon animator has the ability to change values and properties of different assets in the Workspace via keyframes in the Timeline. Just hit the + button near the top-left of the animation Timeline and select whichever object you want. Keep in mind it doesn’t work for a few assets, but it should work for Parts, Models, MeshParts, various post processing effects like Bloom and DepthOfFeild, and much more.
Thank you for the compliments and question!
First off, I don’t care that this is sarcasm, I find this very rude.
I know this doesn’t seem like much but its just a demo of realistic shadow diffraction in Roblox, which is comparable to the quality of Ray Traced shadows.
Look at the video below and pay attention to the shadow diffraction.
(Custom lighting on the left, standard SurfaceLight on right)
If you don’t think the post deserves to be here, just flag it. Don’t be rude to others simply because you find their creations “basic”.
literal stolen work LOL, dont take credit for peoples work my guy.
SkyDeviant is in contact with the orginal creator on Discord, and has had permission to upload this. If you want more proof you can message me or him.