What are you working on currently? (2021)

Profile Picture for Myself.


The frameā€™s cutoff at the top seems peculiar. Iā€™d suggest utilizing screengui.ignoreuiinset if you arenā€™t already.

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I made two more houses!

  1. Part count:605

  2. Part count: 383


It stands for Global Illumination, also known as indirect lighting, which is light bouncing off of surfaces. A good example of GI in Roblox is Artbloxā€™s SEGI game:


People are either bored, or have nothing better to do on the platform, and their standards are obviously too high to be playing Adopt Me or some other overrated front-page game.

Adopt Me is well made. I wouldnā€™t diss the game if I was you.

I wont show it all, but iā€™m working on a few games to show for my portfolio. Iā€™m not quite happy with other games Iā€™ve made for it to showcase my present work, after all I only recently started getting ā€œseriousā€ with development. Anyway the house is suppose to look like the owner doesnā€™t really take care of it, so messy is kind of the style iā€™m going for (not done tho).

But, hereā€™s the kitchen:


No, Iā€™d still like it. Iā€™m saying, people, for no reason, hated on MeepCity. I actually hate Adopt Me because they just release updates that somehow get 500K people to play it. Put aā€¦I donā€™t know, a rainbow unicorn in the game that poops sparkling cupcakes, and 1 million people will join the game and crash the ROBLOX website. MeepCity actually TRIED with their updates, and they gained a reasonable amount of players for it.


Are you for hire? Your work is amazing

Iā€™ve been experimenting with different pet texturing styles and I made this little ice cube.
Screen Shot 2021-05-27 at 3.41.03 PM Screen Shot 2021-05-27 at 3.41.45 PM

Portfolio (hire me lol): [OPEN] TeaCem | 3D Modeling Portfolio


Iā€™m going to be honest, it looks like some square-shaped pet youā€™d see in a simulator game. But it looksā€¦alright.

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The modeling of the pet itself was really simple, most of the effort on this was put into the texture as Iā€™ve never made a texture like the one I made for this pet before. For a reference point most of my textures look something like this so it was really a step out of my comfort zone to make one thatā€™s different.


i watch your youtube videos the couch dog pee one is amazing

and oh that is so realistic


I have recently been working on a health system for my ā€œMario Styledā€ game.


If you have nothing to contribute to this thread, leave. Nobody wants you whining and nobody wants to read through pages of people arguing when trying to find actual contributions.

Anyway, hereā€™s a hotbar Iā€™ve made for a project I realistically donā€™t think Iā€™ll see the start of.


Knock knock! Itā€™s Nintendo, we have your DMCA!

Very good work.



it only has rotational momentum though, but still a cool effect


Was that inspired by trove? it looks a bit like Troveā€™s interface

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I love it! Great work, I donā€™t know if that uses skinned meshes, but if it does, thatā€™s pretty good.

Yea. I agree with this. Itā€™s really annoying to receive the title ā€œsimulator developerā€ just because I make pets. Anyways, hereā€™s a work in progress of mine (Iā€™m gonna add a little shack on top of the logs.)