What are you working on currently? (2021)

Most recent drawing of mine (Only a test) Untitled608


Tried to mix Hitman and Payday. Put togheter a short demo.

(Still work in in progress, ofc)


Whoops forgot the full link, haha. The first one is basically stealth takedowns.



Looks nice! Would suggest, if you’re experienced with, turning this into a OOP reliant system. A good example of a classifier can be found here Rythian2277's way of implementing OOP into games. I use it in my chat system below
for handling channels and messages on them. Has unread messages support as well.


Awful model I rushed.
Honestly hate this one, by far one of my worst ones yet.

Not looking for feedback, please do not comment.


I like it, it’s alright considering you rushed it, the red things at either end wouldn’t normally be something I would add but it looks great!

Edit: just realised, sorry

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Working on a video project called “The Ridge”. I started the same day I posted this reply, but I’ll probably finish within a week or two, this project shouldn’t take long.

In short, this will be a “short film”. The reason for the apostrophe marks is because I plan to create episodes (episodes was the only word I could think of that fit well).

The story is simply based off of the Battle of Okinawa, on the Wana Ridge, hence the name “The Ridge”. It will contain Roblox themed characters, “epic” slow motion scenes, and some action. Not sure how long the actual thing will be in total.

Some screenshots in Blender from what I’ve made so far.

Base Medic and Soldier models.

Some weapon models.

I may or may not add a Browning 1919 Machine Gun, but it depends on what I’ll be doing the next day.

Some other angles.


Roblox graphics have improved quite a lot, they’re almost triple A quality!


Thanks! :smile:

Also I really enjoyed Twinsanity, might draw some inspiration from there

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Made a little build. Tried to not add too much detail. Please tell me where I can improve. Ignore blank buildings, they are not made yet



try scripting an aircraft or airship as a way of going to and from both of the islands

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I’ve started working on my first ever lobby.


Try using an other texture than briques, you can find free textures online and stuff, I really hate the brique texture :frowning:

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It kinda ressembles the music that plays when you’re in Sidimote, on Dofus.
Sounds great :flushed:

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Finally completed my top security 1 person prison

the orange part is he security and defense and also the power thing that powers the cell

and the inside of the prison cell, simple but effective

Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:


Renovating map


a game called get milk at midnight which is partially inspired by get a snack at 4 am simulator

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I’m no geek at modeling, so I don’t use blender.

All made in Roblox Studio. It’s probably not the most optimized way of going about making these, but they look good to me. :man_shrugging:

I plan on redoing the AR-15 (bottom left) and adding a priming chamber to the M82 (top right).
The M870 (bottom right) took me a while which is why I felt proud of it and wanted to post it here. The stock isn’t the best but, it should work as a stock.

Feedback is appreciated as well as next guns to make. :slightly_smiling_face:


Currently messing with MessagingService to make a server list and also creating a new course for my golf game: Bloxy Golfing. Still need to enhance the gui I guess. I am accepting design suggestions.


Not a weeb but I still recognized it.


I’m working on making a 3d version of a picture of a song I listen to. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to show the actual song picture so I will just show you what I have so far on the build. Tell me what you think of it so far.

Oh btw I made it 100% in studio and I didn’t use any plugins either. There’s also no free models in it.