Looks like it has great potential!
This is amazing, so proud of you for evolving into interiors.
Wow! The pants look so good on there! Keep up the good work man!
Currently working on a custom viewportframe backpack. Did this because the standard roblox backpack will not suffice for my project, and I dont want to upload hundreds of images for each possible tool combination. Supports keyboard and controller (and should support mobile but ive never tested it on my phone)
Controllers have the same feature as hitting both bumpers to deselect a tool, and wrapping around the backpack when selecting in a direction
Next to add is reordering of the hotbar.
it’s really early into development, but I think that it has great potential to become a showcase of some sort
I am currently working on a little gun showcase. I tried making it as best looking as possible. (and also realistic). The audio is messed up (it doubled) and I don’t have time to redo the entire video again. (Mild blood warning, blood is going to have an option to be turned off soon). Was inspired by @AK47xM16
It looks bad and jittery because OBS drops my FPS drastically.
tiny lil grab head script
Char = workspace.ToldFable -- change ToldFable to your username
for i,v in ipairs(Char:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA("Accessory") then
tool.Name=Char.Name.."'s head"
Who would have known that the most difficult step would be coding player and NPC death? Days of debugging and “one button gaming” has death!
This is where I started! lol
Trance it.
hello people of roblox, i am here to present to you my weekend project: Infinitely procedural biome-based world generation
I can quickly switch between representing the world with voxels or parts, but I’m using parts more often currently because being able to control the color of every individual cell is very useful while designing my math for generating things. Here’s my most recent screenshot, which has three biomes (mountains, plains, and desert) meeting, and their borders smoothly tween in a way that works well with voxels (compared to other screenshots I’ll include below with smooth gradient tweening)
Here’s some of my work from earlier today which had smooth gradient transitions:
Here’s before that, when I was testing out the math for procedurally creating biome boundaries:
Then some pics from yesterday while I had it in voxel mode with some trees (looks nice but I jumped the gun on polishing things)
Here’s from before that when I was coming up with a function for deciding where to put trees and where not to (white tiles = tree, black = no tree)
so yeah, pretty cool. it works by creating Chunks of landscape like minecraft. and I already have it set up to work with multiple clients in the same world. On my computer, I can walk in one direction forever without catching up to the loading-in chunks so it’s pretty snappy too. 10/10 would recommend world generation as a weekend project
That looks great, but you should remember to keep accessibility in mind. Maybe add an option to automatically do 2 hits every second if you hold down the left mouse button?