What are you working on currently? (2021)

This is done automatically by the servers, when you look for a route the server will fetch an “index.html” file (or index.htm, you configure this on the server).

In the case of this site, it’s a github pages. It only hosts static files (I don’t run php, java or javascript on the server, I just deliver the index.html from the /docs folder).

For the documentation I’m using docsify, it’s very easy to use. The source code for this site is available at ecs-lua/docs at master · nidorx/ecs-lua · GitHub


These look like maps that you’d play in AAA shooter games, or maybe in a story game. Very good job!

I don’t know man, I feel like this kind of removes the satisfaction that you get when chopping yourself. I think that it still looks great, but I don’t really get the point of adding an auto chopper to the game, whenever chopping is the main point…

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did more work on my 2d fighter side project
nothing here is final or finished, just a demo to see how everything i made works together so far


Thought this would be a relatively fun project to allow GitHub and Trello links on the main site, considering they’re allowed in BB.

Terribly made code to put in Tampermonkey
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Ro-Link
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.1
// @description  embed certain clickable links in your description!
// @author       Ty_Scripts
// @match        https://*.roblox.com/*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=roblox.com
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    var desc = document.getElementsByClassName("game-description")[0];
    var first = desc.innerHTML.search("roln-");
    var last = desc.innerHTML.search("-/roln");
    var replacer = desc.innerHTML.substr(first, last + 6);
    var arch = desc.innerHTML.slice(0, first - 1);
    var i = 0;
    while (i < 10) {
         replacer = replacer.replace("roln-", "<a target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline; color: #fff;\" ");
         replacer = replacer.replace("gh:", "href=\"https://github.com/");
         replacer = replacer.replace("tr:", "href=\"https://trello.com/");
         replacer = replacer.replace(" -/roln", "</a>");
         replacer = replacer.replace(" / ", "\">");
         desc.innerHTML = arch + replacer;

A place to test it out and a somewhat notable project in and of itself:


Well just a simple tower defense game with no data lol

Update on the game status!

I made a trailer for the game.


That looks pretty fun to play, can you hit the opponent while they’re flying away or are the invulnerable?

yup, this is going to allow people to make really nice combos especially because i’m also adding gravity cancelling (which is basically where you’re able to override aerials and use one of your ground attacks in the air, like brawlhalla)

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Ay that sounds fire, I’m trash at brawlhalla but this looks nice

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More Nature


I’m kinda proud of this, I put a lot of effort into it. :happy1:

Time taken: 2 weeks (10 hours)


That is why i have made it as a gamepass choice for the players if they feel like chill and progress without hesitation :yum:

This looks amazing, and the documentation is excellent. I’ll definitely be using this in my next game. Nice work!

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You should fix the knock back because it looks too smooth at the point where it is slow. Other than that it looks great.

I am finishing up a complicated map roleplay game. It should be releasing tomorrow, after a lot of work.

It’s been a two year break from Roblox (leaving shortly after my RDC 2018 experience).

Came back and started back up with the same team again like nothing changed. Soon we will be releasing a brand new project that we’ve poured time into.

I’m not really sure what to show about it, but it’s what we’ve been working on. Coming back to my favorite creative outlet has been so mentally helpful.


been working on my game, anyone wanna rate it? Aerial Dash! [UPDATE 3] - Roblox

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I’m working on a game with a friend of mine, called “EX-Travaganza: Duality Of Forces”
I basically do everything except that my friend sometimes builds neat stages (Which are a lot better than the ones I make lol).

Expect release something around next year. Although it’ll be very short, it’ll be jam-packed with content, or at least I hope it will be.

The game is around 65% done, I would say. There’s even some lore (The bad ending… Ooo boy.).

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legit cringe but nice render for your first gfx