I was too focused on micromanaging my map. Hand placing all the houses meant that if I needed to fix the houses, I would have to redo them all. Work smarter, not harder! I junked that philosophy.
New map! First, I let an online program decide what the city looks like. I set out all the roads, plots for homes, and spots for tree. Then I let a script set up all the models while loading the game. The script is robust enough I can add houses and the whole thing will update!
Skeleton is in Roblox and animated. I just need to build a cemetery!
Sounds! I finally took some time to learn the basics of sounds. Some will be based on animations, and some will be ambient from the critters and landscape.
Also picked out some music! This was awful by itself, but once I added some background noise, it started coming together. I still need a good engine to swap music based on player-specific events.
More work on the horse and cart system, to make it more game friendly.
I see almost no mention of this in DevForum, but something I picked up from Unity courses: game moments! I was just chugging along and realized I had just made my first moment. Nothing special, but felt really cool!
Kinda keeping it slow compared to last year. I have mainly been pushing the growth for my group and designing clothes. Overall, not much progress as I wanted because of school / etc, but I am still proud of my work so far!