When is this game being released it looks good and also what rain did you use it looks good
It’s been over a year since I last posted my project.
And now…here’s what I was building so far in 2023:
Iceland International Circuit
I currently don’t have an ETA for ROcord, but I will be releasing a sandbox when I feel the game is stable enough. The rain was made by me and it consists of a lot of layered particle emitters, maybe not the most performant but it looks nice.
This is very technical, with nothing to visually show, but I just finished a successful test.
I don’t know if I’ve talked about it before, but I use a system that I mostly wrote by myself called “CharacterStorage” in my experience. This stores references to players’ body parts, humanoid, and other important character instances.
Yesterday, I added another reference to this structure, save data! When the player’s DataStores load successfully, they’re “linked” to their serverside character entry at [entry].Player.SaveData.[key]
(done using a new function, CharacterStorage:LinkSaveData()
, as a direct reference to the data store’s value. (I use Suphi’s DataStore Module, and I love how it integrates with my system like this.)
What about the client?
For those worrying about exploiters, don’t. The local client generates their own character entry (using the same functions), but the save data is automatically synced from the server using a RemoteEvent, updated each time that it attempts to save the data to the DataStores.
I wasn’t sure if I could update this using server scripts, so I wrote a test function today and it worked perfectly!
Also, my experience should be able to test saving, even in local multiplayer tests (the ones where players are named “Player1” and so on). If it’s one of those, it detects it and saves the data to a scope named after my user ID, plus that “player’s number” (_1, etc.). This will let me test features that involve multiple players and edit their save data.
Working on a study-level recreation of an ATR 42-600 in Roblox as a fun project
So far, I’m still working on the modelling and texturing portion, but I have a bit of the scripting done (so far just a module that allows you to press the buttons and change their state)
(modelled in blender, textured in substance painter and blender)
trying to implement a high frequency blade drawing system similar to Dokkodo, but found a little bit of luck but still lost on how to properly make it so the sheathe and katana still exist after unequipping
External MediaI haven’t changed anything visually, but my ColorSequence and NumberSequence parser uses a new function/method for interpreting the sequence of numbers that you enter into the text box as a NumberSequence or ColorSequence. Rather than just assuming that a multiple of 5 numbers means that it is a ColorSequence, the new function scans through the list and not only checks for if its item count is a multiple of 3 or 5, but it also checks if each 3rd/5th item is a zero.
This overall improves its accuracy, and fixes the bug where it will assume that a 5-item NumberSequence is a 3-item ColorSequence. In fact, if you could somehow type in a series of numbers that could be parsed as either type, the function will treat it as a NumberSequence, as that is more likely to be parsed without errors.
As you can see, there’s a new icon at the upper-right corner of the output window, which tells you if it’s an error (

Speaking of errors, most of them appear in the output window now, instead of showing up as warnings in the F9 console, which probably wouldn’t be obvious to any visitors.
Here’s a new error, which is shown for most invalid sequences, which you can easily see just by writing words in the big text box instead of numbers.
I recorded a video of the utility, but I somehow lost it. It showed the cool animated background that smoothly fades between colors, and demonstrated how you can copy then paste the outputted text into Notepad. You’ll have to take my word that these things work, or just check it out yourself!
Also, this utility is open source/uncopylocked! If you’d like to view the code or use it for your own projects, feel free to click the “…” button on the experience’s page then “edit” to open it in Roblox Studio.
dang, in general terms how’d you do that?
working on some window module to make developing large games easier
ignore the quadrilateral at the back
i write the a* script then steal a line function then modify it to make two lines, cuz those lines will detect the squares and i can exclude those points in the path that the lines touched
this quadrilateral is actually a triangle, and i didn’t use any images here
i used canvasgroup for this
Dang that’s really cool! It’s so smoooooth. Keep it up friend!
I know, this is probably getting boring by now, but that utility of mine has been updated again, with mainly aesthetic improvements like the background gradient randomly changing direction, smoothly interpolating using delta time and TweenService:GetValue() with four different styles, and the output and preview windows slide on/off the screen when needed, but…
…I’ve added a new button for those that don’t understand ColorSequence and NumberSequence strings, but would still like to try my utility out; Now there’s an orange button to the right of the parse button that will generate random gradients! Not only are you presented with potentially pretty graphics, but you’re also given the source series of numbers, which you can copy and save for later use!
This is the first gradient that it generated without issues, and it doesn’t look that ugly.
The third gradient that it made looks better, though.
For those intimidated by the insanely long decimal numbers, I just added limits to how long each number can be.
To visit my experience, click/tap my picture, then use the filter button and look through my past posts in this topic.
EDIT: I’ve just found out that there’s a 20 point limit on ColorSequences, so it might be a good idea to check to make sure that the user doesn’t try to make it generate a gradient using more than that many of them.
implementing my image format - based on quadtrees
i only got the luminance channel done
the compression algorithm can be sometimes better than jpeg and is easy & fast to parse
check out my github for more info