With the fries out of the way, I’ve returned to working on my experience’s UI/windows. I’m starting to think it’s a bit too complex for just some random Roblox experience, but I’m going to create two OOP-ish classes for windows, the windows themselves (which will standardize their pin and close buttons’ behaviors) and what’s known as a “chain”.
If I explained what that class did, it would take at least a couple paragraphs, so basically… Have you seen how that you can’t click on Roblox Studio once you open its settings dialog? That’s what that class will let my experience imitate.
Tonight, I started working on the “window” class. It’s very incomplete, but it takes a UI instance and resizes the frame and title bar to fit around it. This screenshot doesn’t make it look good, as I’m making it use UI that isn’t compatible with my new style, but I’m going to act like this test was successful.
Also, if you noticed that the

button is gone, that’s intentional. I originally wanted to include a third button in the title bar which would shrink any window down to a small, slim version of itself at the bottom of your screen, like Windows does when Windows Explorer isn’t running.
I realized that while that feature would be cool if Project Magical Mary was simulating an OS, that isn’t what it’s supposed to be, and it would probably confuse anyone that hasn’t used a computer OS (kids who only would understand touch-based mobile OSes). The pin and close buttons will stay, as they’re mostly self-explanatory, though.
Also, the shadow behind the title bar’s text was removed, since it could be recreated using my TextShadeFX UI element class with its default settings.