What are you working on currently? (2023)

more dogs


love japan (yeah btw I know about the earthquake that happened yesterday)


DT: Rework coming soon, with a rebrand and different name, we’ll see… worked on some economic stuff & making some menus functional.

Teaser 1


Im working on Memes Tower Defense


Are you going to add the doge meme?

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Sure why not every feedbacks and idea’s are accepted


The game is called Come Sit with me.


Not 2023 anymore but I’ll still post here anyways lol.



So, 17?, when it happened, oh… wait, it’s today…


Finished and fixed a couple of ww2 guns for Undead At World Wars
while shooting the sun


I could’ve done this weeks ago, but my lack of self confidence kept me from programming my latest script, or at least enough of it for basic usage.

Project Magical Mary has had a playable piano in it since late 2022, and while it was somewhat impressive (and is still better than Royale High’s limited piano), especially for something I scripted myself, it didn’t have good structure to it (only two scripts, no OOP, and large tables of data for each individual note) and wasn’t optimized well since it used a looping function for each individual note.

I started thinking that I should use my knowledge of object-oriented programming to make a better musical instrument script, which could be used for more than just that. While it’s nowhere near complete, I programmed enough of its first class, the note, to show it off in this video:

The drums that you’re hearing were being played by the new class; A second (test) script was creating a lot of sound instances and note objects then playing them quickly.

In my old post, I made a poll, asking if anyone wanted me to release the original piano scripts. Most responded positively, but I never did it, and with this new OOP system in development, I think the DevForum will have to wait longer before it’s released.

if I can program the rest of the base classes (instrument, piano roll, and reactions), this will be superior to that old piano, though I could try to include it as a separate download or something.

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I’ve resumed working on an old project of mine that I posted about in a previous year’s version of this thread.

It’s a marine roleplay/exploration game featuring models and scripting made by myself.
Planned features include:

  • A wide array of playable marine species, some with customization.
  • Various marine biomes and habitats with NPC creatures.
  • Achievements that reward players with access to rare species and customization options.
  • Unique abilities, such as mantis shrimps and pistol shrimps being able to fire cavitation bubbles, or cephalopods being able to change their color and texture to blend in with the environment.

The game is still in a very early version, with most character models being from older iterations of the game, but it can be tried here: Life in the Deep [WIP] - Roblox




basic bullet penetration based off of insurgency-sandstorm/escape-from-tarkov


It’s only been a day, but I’ve added one of the other planned features of Pianissimo’s note class, “modifiers”. In sequenced music, sustained notes tend to use techniques like vibrato (rapidly but subtly changing the note’s pitch) and portamento (smoothly transitioning from the note’s current key to another one) so melodies don’t sound boring and “flat”. One of my ambitious plans for this library/module is to use it to bring sequenced music to a pre-rendered platform (Roblox experiences only use boring, pre-rendered OGG files for music.), so I think I need to support these things.

As of now, vibrato can’t be used, but portamento is implemented; The following video uses portamento with an 8-bit looping sample (which wasn’t supported by my older piano script):

(Yes, that’s the 8-bit Mary singing sample that I mentioned before!)

The second part of the video demonstrates another sort of new feature, ADSR envelopes! By using tweens, notes’ volumes are smoothly adjusted, which will be very useful for looping samples, reusing samples for multiple instrument presets, and even for layered instruments!

If you’ve been following my #waywoc posts, you may have been keeping track of all of the features of both of my musical instrument scripts and might be thinking, “Mary, all of these things you’re programming are already done by musical keyboards; Are you trying to make one of those in Roblox?”.

Well, theoretical DevForum user, my answer to that oddly specific question is — maybe…? I know I have plans to eventually write the next class, “Instrument”, which would manage a pool of sounds, create notes, and simulate multi-layered instruments, and to also make a “Timeline” class to enable writing and playback of sequenced music (a’la module/tracker music) on Roblox

So, while I could make a keyboard with layered presets and auto-harmonization (like my Yamaha PSR-E413), that’s not a guarantee. I know, it’ll be weird to have all of the components of a real musical keyboard (minus accompaniment/background beats and song recording), but let’s not forget that I want to release this as a resource one day; If someone wanted to make a keyboard that goes above and beyond the current pianos in Roblox experiences, they could do that!


mineshaft system, work in progress for a tiny little game im making

last post of 2023, saluting emoji


How you get it so dark I have previous year trying to make a trap what close. And it should be dark inside but there come light into it


Roblox did you forget to close this one???


Thank you for another great year of creation! For 2024, check out this thread: