I could’ve done this weeks ago, but my lack of self confidence kept me from programming my latest script, or at least enough of it for basic usage.
Project Magical Mary has had a playable piano in it since late 2022, and while it was somewhat impressive (and is still better than Royale High’s limited piano), especially for something I scripted myself, it didn’t have good structure to it (only two scripts, no OOP, and large tables of data for each individual note) and wasn’t optimized well since it used a looping function for each individual note.
I started thinking that I should use my knowledge of object-oriented programming to make a better musical instrument script, which could be used for more than just that. While it’s nowhere near complete, I programmed enough of its first class, the note, to show it off in this video:
The drums that you’re hearing were being played by the new class; A second (test) script was creating a lot of sound instances and note objects then playing them quickly.
In my old post, I made a poll, asking if anyone wanted me to release the original piano scripts. Most responded positively, but I never did it, and with this new OOP system in development, I think the DevForum will have to wait longer before it’s released.
if I can program the rest of the base classes (instrument, piano roll, and reactions), this will be superior to that old piano, though I could try to include it as a separate download or something.