A pretty simple raytracer I made over a few days! This was rendered at I believe at something like 10 bounces per ray. This is repeated 100 times to get an average colour for each pixel. The resolution is 396 by 216. With a larger resolution, the noise on this image would be less noticable, but sadly as it is, this alone as around 85,536 frames which causes a lot of lag! One thing I think I could do to make this more efficient is generating a binary value for each pixel which can then be printed in the output. I could then convert this binary to an image. This way, the renderer is not slowed down, trying to create a frame for each of these pixels which dramatically decreases my FPS!
The white sphere on the right is the light source for this render. You can see the shadows that this has created behind each sphere!
I hope you find this interesting! If anyone has any idea how to convert binary to an image, help would be much appreciated!
That is really cool, i would though at an animation to the Ollie (“also idk if you tryd to get the physics right for the Ollie but if so you did a realy good job!”)
This is an update on my first gun model (M4A1) that I finished today.
It was a really pleasant experience since I’m fairly new as stated in my previous replay.
Today I textured the model in Blender and fixed a few things that I though should be fixed.The texturing was relatively easy (since I have basically 0 experience in the field of texturing) but when I tried exporting the textures in studio it was all messed up so I spent more than 4 hours trying everything but at last I didn’t succeed so i had to manually try to recreate textures in Roblox Studio as close as possible(again with 0 experience)
I think it couldn’t turn out better than this and I’m proud of what I had created and textured
But here things only got worse…
I realized it’s not possible to export my model with Blender textures(trust me I’ve tried everything)
Well I gave it everything that I had to recreate textures from Blender as much as possible but in the end I personally thing I got screwed over (hence my frustration that’s been lasting for the past 6 hours).
I’m making a military/reactor core type game (haven’t fully committed to either)
Based in the Chugach Range in Alaska.
Chuguch Range, Alaska.
“The surrounding area is under attack. Non-essential personnel have been evacuated. All that remain are the skeleton crew, of which you are one. How will the complex do? It’s up to you.”
I want to say the misspelling of Chugach as Chuguch was a not-so-subtle way of hinting where it might be, but no I’m just that dumb and I don’t wanna go back and redo everything.
A mock-up of a GUI for an animation previewer I was working on. Sadly, I scrapped the project for now because I could not replicate the behavior of the GUI made with CanvasGroups using ImageLabels.
I’m not exactly sure why, but CanvasGroups are not supported in PluginGuis. I’ve seen top plugins like Moon Animator 2, the Load Character lineup, and GapFull & Extrude use their own windows within the viewport. While this seemed silly at first due to the limitations that came with it, the limitations and bugginess of widgets combined with the large amount of options for customizability for guis within the viewport, make in-viewport plugin guis a lot more enticing.
Have plugins that use in-viewport plugin GUIs ever prevented you from doing something you could with a widget?
I’ve been working on an immersive AI system for my RP game called “CyberLife”.
AI divides NPCs into groups or individuals, and chooses random actions for each of them based on their current location (for example NPCs at beach can either go dancing at one of the musical venues, or go chill at a bonfire).
While performing a leisure activity (chilling at bonfire), NPCs are able to make conversations with each other, tell jokes and respond intelligently to each other’s questions.
In below examples you can see the “group” of Jacky and Jill performing both of those actions.
Beach Dancing
Chilling at Bonfire
P.S. To explain the conversation about simulated waves - according to the game’s story, this whole beach is a simulation, including the water and the waves.
This gun is the m195k, a multi-use personal defense weapon and pistol found across the universe. it’s unorthodox design makes it impossible to conceal carry and incredibly difficult to balance when firing or aiming unless you are using both hands to aim.
this is why it is the most common black-market weapon in the universe - by design.