What are you working on currently? (2023)

Working on my new tycoon game! Check it out: Corn field tycoon - Roblox

Please give feedback

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Well, right now, I am focusing on a project that I spent years working on-and-off and that is a round-based BrickBattle game where each map is procedurally generated every round. I have made several prototypes of the map generator in the past 4-5 years but all of them are based on a rather simplistic, but rather limiting, algorithm for map generation.

I plan on using the Wave Function Collapse algorithm for the map generation, as it will grant me more freedom in the design of the maps that I didn’t really have before, like adding roads and tunnels to the map. However, right now, I am focusing on the actual game mechanics, as they are just as important as the map generator and I have not focused on that much for many years.

You can see stuff relating to this kind of project in my Mastodon posts, which I plan on regularly update people on what I am doing. For now, here are some images of what I am working on:

I also have other projects, like making a revamp of the classic Roblox place Thrillville by JJ5x5, but I am going to not focus on them, at least for now, as I already working on stuff as well as finishing my Software Engineering degree (I will graduate this May). Hopefully, I get something done sometime this year, and I feel like the BrickBattle game I mentioned earlier would be a good game to finish.


Currently 2 projects I’m really proud of


I had a really bad illness where I was sick for a week which is why I didn’t post anything for so long. but I have finally recovered so I can get back to work. Got a cool new idea, I’ll tell you more someday


Made some assets for a simulator game.




It’s been almost 2 weeks and I’ve been making on and off progress. While programming I got tired of looking at the Wild West map so I decided to make another one…

This project is really my first time ever modeling in Roblox studio. I’ve always just been a programmer, so anything I’ve “modeled” before this point has basically just been slapping a bunch of free models together. Taking that into consideration, I think this has turned out pretty well!

Edit: In runtime all of the cars also have their colors randomized, and the billboards switch between different ads. They’re all old Roblox ads though, like Bloxy Cola and Nukes for Kids-- I thought adding a bit of nostalgia would be nice.


Made authentic skateboarding for my game CyberLife



and city


Hello fellow developers!!

Today I finished my first gun model (M4A1) which I’ve been modelling during my free time.
It’s important to note that I’ve been using Blender for around a month.

I have to texture it and then it’s done.

The Problem

Easier said then done because I have no idea how to texture things properly so it will probably take a while.

I’m also looking for some feedback and criticism on how to improve my models in the future, but I do ask you not to be disrespectful.

Future developer Felipe.

Solid Viewport


I’m working on making SpongeBob blanks, then figuring out how to avoid copyright with them.

A classroom in a training centre
Portfolio: https://kristinaportfolio.carrd.co/


Love your detail! Looks very epic.


Working on a sick Room generator, that randomly connects rooms with eachother. i got around 4 themes, it generates 500 rooms of each theme. All done with the help of algorithms :smiley:


Maze generator?
Looks cool! Will it be open sourced?

I dont know if i will make it open source,since im actually working on a bigger game with it :smiley: . but ill keep that option open,maybe some day. If you are intrested to build something like this, i think this is a good starting place for it : Maze generation algorithm - Wikipedia This is the end result btw:


where’s the fire selector? charging handle is also missing but very good model!

Thanks! If you’re using it for a Game it’s better not to show how you did it
Thansk for the link tho!

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Looks really good! Love to see the progress and improvement, I hope to see more in the future!

I made smoke grenades like Counter-Strike 2’s!

After seeing how cool CS2’s volumetric smoke grenades looked I wanted to try making a system for my game

(The amount of smoke and the popping sound is exaggerated for max satisfaction)

Some screenshots:

