What are you working on currently? (2023)

Currently redoing some of these icons


I’m planning to redo all of these icons here so it doesn’t look so bland


this looks super cool, i might go about and experiment in studio with it!

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I finished a project on my first month anniversairy of programming.

It was an area that detects whenever a player enters the area, proceeding to save and wipe the inventory, handing a sword to the player instead, making it the only thing you have in your backpack.

Upon exiting, it takes the sword away from the player and gives back their inventory before they entered the area. I made sure that the transition between exiting and entering was extremely slim, making it bug-free of spamming as shown in the video.

However, if you die, it will do the same as exiting, but the player gets spawned at “Fight Area Spawnpoint” (red spawns in image), randomly picked between the four available spawns. Dying outside of the fighting area will respawn you on one of the white spawnpoints.
I’m very proud of it.

It would not have been possible without the amazing Module from @ForeverHD, handling the detection of the area in the area:



In-Game Explorer + Properties windows for debugging outside of studio


  • Read and write properties of all instances in your game
  • Real-Time updating for all properties under an instance you have selected
  • Most valuetypes(CFrame,Vectors,Numbers,Strings,Bools,EnumItems,Colors,Instances)
  • ColorPicker :>
  • Number arithmetic
  • ServerView feature(streams in opened_instance tree from the server’s view and sends property change requests through remote)
  • Drag and Resize your windows

It will be drag-and-drop ready for any game, you just drag the serverscript into ServerScriptService and set up the Permissions module(function that returns true/false and takes in a player as an argument, and then hook up your own keybinds etc for toggling the tool)


Working on some stuff for my obby


This is incredibly handy. I’ve always wanted something like that. (To the point of trying out Dex explorer scripts in studio :sweat_smile:)

Open source release soon? :blush:

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Just wanted to show off some of the progress on my new game that I am making, I am right now working on creating good and clean animations. Some of the animations that I created were the M4A1 Equip, Unequip, and Shooting, The new ones that I made today are the M9 Shoot and Empty Shooting Animations.

M9 Empty Shoot Animation

M9 Shoot Animation

I cant show the rest because I don’t have the file for them any more and the video for the all the animations is too big :sad:


Within the next day or so probably


Finally… a worthy opponent
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Clothing Homestore! First build in a while. What do you guys think? I am experimenting with Future Lighting. (NOT FINISHED YET!)



I’m currently working on a sequel to my previous minigame game called:
Axe’s Arcade Minigames!

This year, I plan on making a Christmas update, adding more minigames, pets & effects and advertising it to get more players!

Go play!


Doing more map porting for fnaf sb into roblox.


Working on CanvasDraw 4.0, my pixel game engine module. This version will be able to run infinitely higher resolutions and run around 5x faster than my previous version!

Here’s a raycaster engine of mine running at 320x320 at 20fps.

I plan to make it even faster than you see.


A sneaky peak of the many maps I made for my upcoming game.


Custom video player powered by CanvasDraw 4.0


That’s so retro, it’s like experiencing a mid-90s interactive movie for a 5th gen console


Thank you very much for that, I appreciate the feedback I was in the process of working on thumbnails and such!

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First tests, custom landscape in Roblox. In the near future I will show the house.


Here’s my Satellite Communications Dish remote-control in action. It’s 100% physics engine usage!

I made all of this today (depending on where you are) for a space investigation game.

It’s not shown in the video, but the monitor box does have a functional little arm to prop it up:

Most difficult part was the axis sliders on the monitor, and getting the right properties for the parts of the satellite to keep itself up. I think I’ll allow negative values for the slider next.