What are you working on currently? (2023)

Though procrastination is inevitable, I’m going to power through and create my first game this year, it’s quite basic in that you work at a foodstand during the apocalypse…Essentially being like a resturaunt tycoon but silly and hopefully simple for my expertise (guess I’ll learn along the journey). Anyways, here’s the first stand players will start with when beginning.

IMPORTANT: This will be my first game so things may be rough around the edges if I release it. Also, I threw together this stand in half an hour, changes are to be expected.


Oh my god, I would really like a game like that, you dotn see a lot of silly games now a days, I would surely play it!

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Thanks a ton. I don’t know what i’ll do with it but the idea popped in my head for some reason and I thought it will hopefully be easy to script. I really do need to stick on this and power through, I really want to be a developer and create awesome experiences like this for the community.
Credit: I got the sort of silly idea from wierd sim / tycoon games that have circulated recently.

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Yes, I think it may be easy to scritp, if yiu are gonna make it like Restaurant Tycoon 2, the hardest part will be the placing system, good luck with that…

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I made my first shirt alone! I’m pretty proud of it, since it’s my first shirt :slight_smile:

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A window


That is a very detailed window!


I’m not big on posting on these threads, but I wanted to share an update on my progress with [RRG] Random Roblox Games group that I mentioned in my post last year. I’m excited to share that we have experienced significant growth with 100 new members joining our group. Additionally, we have launched a website and revamped our logo (see attached) with a complete redesign. Looking forward to continuing to build and expand our community!


I have been working on a few new UI styles and layouts for some plugins.

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Vertical Layout


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Grid-like Layout


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Thank you.


Me and my friends released our first big game!

its an innovation labs type core game.


What is that? I never heard of it

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Innovation Labs is a sci-fi game on roblox about doing crazy science experiments, and most importantly, blowing up the nuclear reactor which powers the facility you play in.


It seems like a lot of people are working on horrors at the moment, and I am doing the same.

I’m working on a single player horror game set in a modern hotel, that focuses more on the psychological side of fear instead of jump scares and black screen animation that I seem to see popping up more often than not in the horror genre.

I hope to achieve this by using the sound/environment more than a typical creature/monster. I would love for the players to create the monsters in their head, with the added factor of them somewhat being scared and using the unknown to make the experience that much better.


Just a little lightshow, although this system is not done yet.
Intended for concert and festivals, showing lighting how it should be done for Roblox Concerts that are being hosted by the event organizers on this platform.

Hardest part of this system was the raycasting on the beams, to not make them go through parts and automatically resize depending on the distance as well as the spotlights, but you can’t really see them that well considering i’m on low graphics settings.


This lighting “console” is not finished yet, but rather to show it’s current progress.
Music taste might not be yours haha but next time ill try to get something else…
All done on my keyboard, not automatic.


I am working on a ‘game’ that has a skyscraper that has a total of 4096 floors (not including the basement section), which rises 11275 meters above the spawn point. Good luck climbing it without dying of bordeom.

Picture of the skyscraper.


Something is coming.


Me and my team have been working on a new Sci-fi adventure game: Hyperspace. It is centered around exploration, expansion, and commerce. We would love all your oppinions!

Well well well... 2023 is already here!

2022 was… a productive year to say the least.

I got to experiment and learn many new aspects and elements of game development, as well as expand my engagement and presence within the community. As pretty much anyone who followed 2022’s WAYWOC topic, I took the cake in most posts by far, 225! It was great to showcase my skills as well as receive some feedback from the community through devforum.

With that in mind, let’s get to what this post was meant for… showcasing what I’m working on!

*I’d also like to add that these projects were made in collaboration with my friend massiveedu. credit is given where due.


Rooftops is a project that I am currently working on. I started developing it in early August of last year to be an Amsterdam/Berlin/Paris inspired game. It’s currently unreleased.


*Because I have so many photos, I will be dividing this into two parts: Selected Showcase and Complete Showcase.

Selected Showcase:

Complete Showcase: Rooftops: Image Showcase - Album on Imgur


Midwest is the result of a loosely based interpretation of Denver I25, as well as a little bit of inspiration. This game is also unreleased, as it is a showcase and is always being revised.


Again, due to the massive amount of pictures I have, I’ll divide this into two parts.

Selected Showcase:

Complete Showcase: Midwest: Image Showcase - Album on Imgur

Finally, I’d like to showcase Arkwright, again made in collaboration with edu.


“Arkwright” was made as a modified sequel to the convenience store in Need for Speed: Payback. The showcase is kept private, as it includes some copyrighted assets.


You know the drill, here we go:

Selected Showcase

Complete Showcase: Arkwright: Image Showcase - Album on Imgur

Finally, I’d like to top off this post with a quick recap of my 2022 developing work, and a little look at what’s ahead in 2023!

*Showcased: Collaborative work with: C9Z9, Newlands Game. Credit given where due.


Additional Recap Showcase: WAYWOC 2023: Assorted Images - Album on Imgur

And that’s it for now! Thanks for taking a look, It’s been a Truly amazing year! With that in mind, I’d like to wish everyone a happy year of developing!


And a morning ride with the H2R