That’s intentional; Nothing can move while the client is teleporting between places, so the player’s character is posed then anchored before the loading screen appears, to make sure it doesn’t disappear after the glitchy flickering shown in the video.
I’m not sure why that’s happening; I just checked both places and they’re using the 2022 materials and no material overrides are specified.
I’ll consider moving that text, if I remember to continue modifying the new loading screen.
Though it’s mostly just a very slowly-developed personal project at the moment, I want to release it eventually…but I think I’ll have to begin focusing on gameplay, one of the more boring things to think about implementing, before I can do that.
Char. Model Update
And here’s today’s update: those new hand and foot meshes have been finished, and they’re now in Roblox Studio!
The hands were the more tedious mesh to edit, since hands are always one of the trickiest parts of the human body to both draw and model! The new hands have more accurate finger lengths and widths, and there’s less spacing between each finger, which was the primary reason why the old hands looked so strange.

As for the feet, I abandoned the more specific “barefoot” (or very thin shoe) shape and just went for a more abstract, boxy blob, which comes off as more of a shoe than the old mesh, interestingly enough.

I hope everyone likes these changes; I know there are more issues with the character model but they either can’t be fixed without messing up the joints (legs and arms) or might cause the model to not resemble a Roblox character (mainly the head).
If anyone preferred the old hands or feet, don’t worry; If I release this as a resource later, I’ll try to include both versions of the character model, in both RBXM and source (Blender) formats.
EDIT: In case anyone is curious, I released the character model as a community resource.