What are you working on currently? (2024)

How did you make the frame warping? I also noticed it included the coreGUI

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getting somewhere ig


UI design for EVC V3


Really don’t know how to take good pictures D:



edited the UI


A random “realtime” GI system I Made when I got sidetracked(well as sidetracked as you can get when what you were originally making was basically already done):
robloxapp-20240925-2114097.wmv (6.4 MB)
End bit is me realizing I put a divide where a multiply should be.
robloxapp-20240925-2118265.wmv (5.5 MB)

Also this viewportframe based renderer thing that has an infinite render distance:
robloxapp-20240926-0416007.wmv (7.5 MB)

EDIT: Yes I did spend 4 hours reading this entire topic without skimming over anyone’s reply. Yes I have lost a good nights sleep over this.

charcater size compared to your average roblox player

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Looks good! The sand looks super bright though. Maybe it’s just my screen?

New vehicles for my game ÖPNV-Simulator


While this looks and sounds great, your experience & group name is against Roblox’s guidelines: https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001708126-Roblox-Name-and-Logo-Community-Usage-Guidelines
I highly recommend you change it at your earliest convenience as otherwise you risk your account being suspended.

How will you handle interaction with the sunblinds and coat hooks, especially as interaction on moving parats in Roblox is extremely difficult to perform?

What route(s) do you plan to add to the game?

I also highly recommend you avoid restricting the ability to drive trains to having to pass a driver training as that will massively reduce your game’s potential growth, as people will not invest their time into a game before they can even properly explore its potential and whether they like it or not.

If you’re concerned about any kind of bad behaviour from drivers that could be disruptive, you instead need to investigate potential solutions rather than simply restricting who can be a driver. Such as monitoring of train movement over time and despawning inactive or unnecessarily slow trains (be acutely aware of other trains that could be the cause of another train being slow, avoid false positives).


Hello, thank you for your message.

I was not aware that my simulator’s name was against the TOS, I had actually created the original experience on another account which had been deleted due to an incident with a computer virus and somebody getting in. I believe it was created in 2021, but the newer version was created after this date.

I am planning to do the Middlesbrough-London King’s Cross route as a main line, and some more local routes in the North East. There will be much more, but I won’t say too much as I like to keep newer updates as surprises.

The coat hooks will work using a system similar to ClickDetectors, although it has more input functions, it will activate when clicked using LMB and the other way using RMB. The window blinds will be quite similar, although I will be implementing a drag system to get exact positions.

I had the idea of making ‘taster sessions’ in which players can try out the driving systems before applying for a real position. To create the most realistic style, using Driver Training would be ideal, however there would be a slight difficulty if I didn’t use it but I could potentially figure something out.

It will take me quite a long time to sort out the name TOS issues, so I will try and change everything as soon as possible.

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While I don’t think it will be an issue until your experience releases, as you already have a group and have announced the project publicly, its definitely an ever-growing risk for your project, so I recommend you prioritise changing the name before you aim to release the project in any way.

Most people do not have much free time, so that is still a huge limitation for potential players. Especially also, considering those far outside of the UTC timezone who will not match what are relatively acceptable times for your ‘taster sessions’ in your timezone.

If you are keen on keeping your training system, I recommend you have a separate place within the experience for unranked players to try all roles, with the starter place being for ranked players.
This I think would be a good compromise, as not only does it let new players try out driving, but also lets current players try roles before going into the training for that role for the main servers.

Will the game focus on intercity mainlines, or will you include any local commuter, regional, or rural lines as well?

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I am currently in the main development phase, so now is the time to make the big decisions such as the title. I have came up with a few ideas that do not include ‘Roblox’ or similar, so I will get some feedback from my community server.

The taster sessions I had in mind would be open at all times, with automatic basic training so time can work for everyone, basically like a train simulator within a train simulator. This would be a good opportunity to reach out to more players.

I have a visitor centre experience, which has the Driver Training facilities inside, although I would definitely create a separate place for the taster sessions.

I am planning on doing a main intercity route along one line, then shorter stopping or “local” services that would branch off or along the main line. There will be a lot of stations in total, so I will be able to make plenty of services to choose from. I am aiming for a very large scale map, especially with the Middlesbrough-London service, and if I did more there would be a huge amount to have for the simulator.

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If you’d like to dm me your ideas I’m happy to also give you my feedback.

Why not remove the training restriction in the ‘taster sessions’? I don’t think there’s any reason to limit it in the ‘taster sessions’, it’d be easier for new and existing players if there was no limitation at all imo.

I don’t think its very cohesive to have a separate experience for the training. I think it definitely should be a separate place within the main experience, as it would prevent splitting your game’s visits with the training place and allow players to more easily access it rather than leaving the main game and rejoining the training place.

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I will release the names I have thought of tomorrow, or the day after possibly as I will be busy. The link to join my community server is found on here, images of development can also be found here, and queries will be answered as soon as possible from there.

When I say ‘training’, I mean a basic introduction to controls, nothing much. I only need to do that so people will actually know how to perform certain tasks such as setting up the train’s cab or using safety systems, and driving correctly in general.

It would be easy enough to migrate the visitor centre to the main experience. It’s only a separate one for now as the main experience has not been published/made public yet. Towards the time of releasing the simulator, all of this will be complete.

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Ah I see, that seems reasonable, however you definitely should make it optional (or at-least let them control the pace) as some players may prefer to find out themselves rather than be hand-led.

I also recommend you try and polish the introduction well, and avoid restricting the pace the player can go through it (a common flaw with many game’s tutorials). Try to include plenty of information in a way that younger players can easily ignore but also allows more mature players better insight.

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The screenshot in studio it looks less brighter i really need to learn how to take good pics :smiling_face_with_tear:

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My helmet model inspired me to make a pilum(Roman javelin) tool for kicks and giggles.
It is incredibly janky but I like the fact that when you equip a pilum, one disappears from your shield, where Roman soldiers stored them when not in use. When you unequip it, it goes back in place.
robloxapp-20240926-2145092.wmv (2.2 MB)
Sorry in advance for the bad video upload :frowning_face: