itd be cool if you made tan(x)
For both the Z and Y axis.
@12345koip , if you make both the Y and Z axis be the same thing, you get a slanted line.
Technically, the points at the top of the lines go on forever, but i stop it if it goes farther than 10 studs.
Also, if you do ±X for the Y and Z axis, you get →
I’m going to try to add in support for circles soon, as of now, it’s not possible as far as I am aware.
Messing with GPT to do this…
Ok but like why?
Today I finished the Practice Story Game and now just started a Practice Horror Game.
an amen break-infested hyper track for a game all about destruction
i just finished my trash heap of a game
I’m working on a project called Scenario where you have to complete a scenario to move on to the next one. I will leave a link to the game when I finish it. Just have to add
Graphics Improvement
Adding a security system alarm sound effect for Scenario 3.
I don’t really wanna add the screenshots yet so Imma save this for the before and after screenshots when I finish making the project, I will include the screenshots in my update on this.
Pity, We didn’t get one of these post this year.
there is one. its called what are you working on currently 2025, they just didn`t close this one
The one you’re referring to was posted by a Forum member, not an actual ROBLOX individual. I assumed they removed “2024” from this post, and just renamed it. This will probably be the last WAYWOC post from ROBLOX.
tried designing my own tank turret from the future. bear with the quality this is like my 4th model ive made ever. all in-studio
it’s crazy that it’s march and were still on the 2024 post but here’s what ive been working on this past week, it’s no where near finished but yea. what do yall think?
any time i start something new i am obligated to post it here
i got a ray tracer going on. not the best but its smtn. might rewrite it to make it a little better since doing it right now is just really inconvenient (and it doesnt look amazing)
“Bear with the quality” he says as he pulls up a peak model
Great job for beginner modeler. Is this going to a larger project?
Messing around with particles, here’s a little smoke bomb test I made
nah, just messing around. currently tryna get denoising to work properly before fixing other issues since the code for it was abysmally slow
(denoising the below image with the current algorithm took ~1 second. the old algorithm wouldve taken 40 minutes to denoise the same image)
i genuinely just disabled it for a while cause it was just that poorly written, it would individually add the rgb values of 4 pixels around the current one, average them out, then set each of those 4 pixels colours to each of their new corresponding colours and set the current one to all those averaged out
now it just adds all the colours at once and averages them out. somehow managed to speed it up by ~2400x
so it went from changing 5 pixels at once to 1
its like 1/3 the length too
function RAYTRACER.ColDENOISE(Fact : number, ScreenSize : Vector2, Iterations : IntValue)
local totalPixels = #PixelPool
for i = ScreenSize.X+1, totalPixels-(ScreenSize.X-1), RAYTRACER.RayTracerParameters.NumToBatch*2 do
for j = i, math.min(i + (RAYTRACER.RayTracerParameters.NumToBatch*2) - 1, totalPixels) do
if Holder[j].BackgroundColor3 ~=,0,0) then
local Pcol =
local FadeColRt =
(Pcol.R + Holder[j + 1].BackgroundColor3.R)/2,
(Pcol.G + Holder[j + 1].BackgroundColor3.G)/2,
(Pcol.B + Holder[j + 1].BackgroundColor3.B)/2
local FadeColUp =
(Pcol.R + Holder[j - ScreenSize.X].BackgroundColor3.R)/2,
(Pcol.G + Holder[j - ScreenSize.X].BackgroundColor3.G)/2,
(Pcol.B + Holder[j - ScreenSize.X].BackgroundColor3.B)/2
local FadeColLf =
(Pcol.R + Holder[j - 1].BackgroundColor3.R)/2,
(Pcol.G + Holder[j - 1].BackgroundColor3.G)/2,
(Pcol.B + Holder[j - 1].BackgroundColor3.B)/2
local averaged =
Holder[j].BackgroundColor3 = averaged
Holder[j - 1].BackgroundColor3 = FadeColLf
Holder[j + 1].BackgroundColor3 = FadeColRt
Holder[j - ScreenSize.X].BackgroundColor3 = FadeColUp
Holder[j + ScreenSize.X].BackgroundColor3 = FadeColDN
function RAYTRACER.ColDENOISE(Fact : number, ScreenSize : Vector2, Iterations : IntValue)
local indexes = {}
local AveragedColours = {}
for i = ScreenSize.X+1, #PixelPool-ScreenSize.X do
local MyColour = PixelPool[i].BackgroundColor3
local UpColour = PixelPool[i-ScreenSize.X].BackgroundColor3
local DownColour = PixelPool[i+ScreenSize.X].BackgroundColor3
local LeftColour = PixelPool[i-1].BackgroundColor3
local RightColour = PixelPool[i+1].BackgroundColor3
local NewColour =
(MyColour.R + LeftColour.R + RightColour.R + UpColour.R + DownColour.R)/5,
(MyColour.G + LeftColour.G + RightColour.G + UpColour.G + DownColour.G)/5,
(MyColour.B + LeftColour.B + RightColour.B + UpColour.B + DownColour.B)/5
table.insert(AveragedColours, NewColour)
table.insert(indexes, i)
for j = 1, #indexes do
PixelPool[indexes[j]].BackgroundColor3 = AveragedColours[j]
just some indexing issues to fix and itll be good
ill also need to get to commenting this 500 line monster of a module at some point which’ll be fun…
lol thanks i appreciate it.
i dont think im really going to use this for anything. mostly for practice, and maybe something to add to a portfolio if i get into modelling seriously.